
This is a sample repository of a ASP.NET Core app that offers passkey authentication.

Primary LanguageHTML

Passkey-First Authentication with ASP.NET Core and Corbado

This is a sample implementation of a ASP.NET Core application that offers passkey authentication. For simple passkey-first authentication, the Corbado web component is used.

Please see the full blog post to understand the detailed steps needed to integrate passkeys with ASP.NET Core apps.

File structure

├── corbado-demo
|   ├── api
|   |   ...
|   |   └── Pages
|   |       ├── Index.cshtml      # The page which shows info about your profile when logged in
|   |       └── Login.cshtml      # The login page
|   |   
|   └── Properties
|       └── launchSettings.json   # Contains environment variables


Please follow the steps in Getting started to create and configure a project in the Corbado developer panel.

Open the launchSettings.json file and enter your projectID in all configurations.


Open the solution in Visual Studio and run the project (Hit the "play" button or go to "Debug -> Start Debugging")