
Continuously index your MongoDB data stream in RediSearch

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Continuously index your MongoDB data stream in RediSearch.

setup MongoDB

Before running redisetgo you will need to ensure that MongoDB is setup as a replica set.

Following the instructions for deploying a replica set.

If you haven't already done so, follow the 5 step procedure to initiate and validate your replica set.

For local testing your replica set may contain a single member.

testing with docker

Start up a redisearch server

docker run --rm -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redisearch:latest

Start up a redis client to inspect indexes

docker run --rm -it --network host redislabs/redisearch redis-cli

Start up the redisetgo daemon

go run redisetgo.go 
INFO 2019/05/01 14:33:31 Watching changes on the deployment

Create a document in MongoDB

rs1:PRIMARY> use test;
switched to db test
rs1:PRIMARY> db.test.insert({foo: 1})

Run a query via redis-cli to ensure the indexing was successful> FT.SEARCH test.test *
1) (integer) 1
2) "test.test.5cc9ae490862227ef20c3116"
3) 1) "foo"
   2) "1"

configure redisetgo

You can configure redisetgo via flags and/or a TOML config file. The most important options are the connection settings. By default redisetgo will look to connect to MongoDB and RedisSearch on localhost at the default ports. You can change this via

redisetgo -mongo mongodb://user:pass@hostname:port -redis hostname:6379

The MongoDB URL can be customized with advanced settings for security, etc.

For Redisearch you can provide a comma separated list of host:port,host:port...

customize the behavior with modules

You can write you own modules to change the behavior. See examples/plugin.go for an example.

To build and run the example plugin,

cd examples
go build -buildmode=plugin
cd ..
go run redisetgo.go -plugin examples/examples.so

In this case we have just one plugin but you can have multiple

go run redisetgo.go -plugin myplugins/p1.so -plugin myplugins/p2.so

Test the example plugin by inserting some data into MongoDB

rs1:PRIMARY> use test;
switched to db test
rs1:PRIMARY> db.test.insert({foo: "ok", bar: "ignored"}) // succeeds
rs1:PRIMARY> db.test.insert({foo: 1}) // fails as designed

Search for the data in RediSearch> FT.SEARCH my-index *
1) (integer) 1
2) "5cd3131ba169676422407f1a"
3) 1) "foo"
   2) "ok"