
Mirror Bitbucket / Gitlab / Github repositories using simple webhooks. Alpine based, pure bash

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

GitBitLabHub: Mirror your repositories between Bitbucket / Gitlab / Github using simple webhooks.

Docker Pulls

  • It's a simple shell script (written in pure bash, even the webserver part).
  • The docker image is Alpine based and the size is about 10 MB.
  • Single container mirrors a single repository.
  • Single-threaded. It will ignore the next webhook while the previous one is being processed. DDoS protection out-of-the-box :).

Why mirror repositories?

  • You can pipe multiple services. For example, use Bitbucket private repositories as a primary storage and self-hosted Gitlab instance as a purely CI/CD tool.
  • Better safe than sorry. Mirroring repos is the only backup option for SaaS.

How to use

How to run using docker

docker run -it \
    -e SRC_REPO=git@bitbucket.org:vendor/src_repo.git \
    -e DEST_REPO=git@gitlab.example.com:2222/vendor/dest_repo.git \
    -e SRC_DEPLOY_KEY=base64_encoded_key \
    -e DEST_DEPLOY_KEY=base64_encoded_key \
    -p 8181:8080/tcp \

where SRC_DEPLOY_KEY and DEST_DEPLOY_KEY can be obtained by running

base64 -w 0 < ~/.ssh/project_src_id_rsa
base64 -w 0 < ~/.ssh/project_dest_id_rsa

The URL will be http://localhost:8181

How to run using docker-compose and traefik

version: '3.3'

    image: karser/gitbitlabhub
    restart: always
      - webproxy
      SRC_REPO: 'git@bitbucket.org:vendor/src_repo.git'
      DEST_REPO: 'git@gitlab.example.com:2222/vendor/dest_repo.git'
      SRC_DEPLOY_KEY: 'base64_encoded_key'
      DEST_DEPLOY_KEY: 'base64_encoded_key'
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.backend=gitbitlabhub_repo1"
      - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:gitbitlabhub.example.com;PathPrefixStrip:/vendor/src_repo"
      - "traefik.port=8080"
      - "traefik.docker.network=webproxy"
      - ./gitbitlabhub:/storage

    external: true

The URL will be https://gitbitlabhub.example.com/vendor/src_repo

How to setup mirroring

  1. Generate 2 deployment keys for source and destination:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/project_src_id_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/project_dest_id_rsa

Add these keys to the repository settings of source and destination correspondingly.

cat ~/.ssh/project_src_id_rsa.pub
cat ~/.ssh/project_dest_id_rsa.pub

The Source deployment key can be marked as readonly. Depending on the platform it's called Deploy Token or Access key. See how to add deployment/access keys to bitbucket, bitbucket access keys, gitlab, github.

  1. Run this container with all environment variables configured properly (see How to use section).

  2. Create the webhook in the source repository. See how to create a webhook in bitbucket, gitlab, github.

How to build

docker build --tag karser/gitbitlabhub:latest .
docker push karser/gitbitlabhub:latest