
Bayesian Inference Engines for Rethinking Statistics

Primary LanguageRacketMIT LicenseMIT

Biers: Bayesian Inference Engines for Rethinking Statistics

"Give me some beers and I'll give you an impromptu lecture about that some time." -- Richard McElreath

This repo contains the output of my efforts to learn Bayesian data analysis as presented in the splendid texbook "Statistical Rethinking" by Richard McElreath http://xcelab.net/rm/statistical-rethinking/. In my opinion, this book (combined with Richard's YouTube lecture videos) is a fantastic introduction to statistical data analysis. It blends history and philosophy of science with technical matter, in order to train empirical scientists in the techniques, strengths, weaknesses, and risks of statistical modeling.

The textbook teaches students how to use the R programming language to implement Bayesian stats, but I decided to make my life substantially more complicated. I was curious how far I could get implementing the systems from this text in the Racket dialect of Scheme.

R has been around for some time, has focused specifically on data analysis, and has acquired a broad, deep community and substantial mindshare (for some enlightenment about R's origins, I recommend reading (and watching) this history of it's progenitor, S: http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~rwoldfor/software/R-code/historyOfS.pdf (paper) and https://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2016/07/rick-becker-s-talk.html (video)). It's libraries are well-tuned to this work. Racket is not nearly as widely used for data analysis. Luckily for me a few trailblazers have gone this route in the past, leaving behind some artifacts that I could use along the way.

A guide to the core files (in conceptual order):

  • urn.rkt - From Chapter 2: a first taste of Bayesian inference, wherein you reason about the contents of an urn by repeatedly drawing balls from it, recording their color, and replacing them.

  • urn-abuse.rkt - Trolling the urn model: what happens when you use the urn model to reason about idealized coin toss data (i.e. what happens when your model poorly matches up with your data)?

  • globe.rkt - From Chapter 2: moving to continuous parameter values, reason about the proportion of water covering the earth by tossing a globe into the air and recording whether your finger lands on land or water.

    Also Chapter 3: Use random samples drawn from your posterior (and prior) distribution and your generative model to interrogate the model after (and before) fitting it to data.

  • heights.rkt - From Chapter 4: fit adult human height data to a normal distribution model; [COMING SOON!] use a linear regression model to reason about how adult human weight can predict human height.

A guide to the helper files:

  • howell.rkt - A module for loading and processing the Howell data set used in Chapter 4. As an experiment, it uses the Racket data-frame package to represent the data. I might try John Clements' sqlite-table package in the future. This module uses the csv-reading package to read the data file (the data-frame package's csv reading is not flexible enough to read the file as-is).

  • diy.rkt - Some Racket code that implements routines that are already available as libraries. Factored out of the main code as I learned to read the manuals, but maybe useful for reference and learning.

  • laplace-approx.rkt - Laplacian quadratic approximation of distributions using normal distributions. In essence this is the optimization/approximation components of McElreath's map/quap functionality reimplemented in Racket (coming soon: Statistical Model notion similar to map/quap's interface). Depends on nlopt Racket package, which in turn depends on the NLopt C library, as well as racket-ml (patched to fix some bugs, see pull requests).

  • diff.rkt - Function differentiation tools. This is primarily used to numerically approximate Hessians, which are used for Laplacian quadratic approximation. Partly inspired by an example differentiation routine from the Racket documentation.

  • summaries.rkt - Functions to compute summary statistics, either from samples or from a grid-based posterior approximation

  • utils.rkt - Some utility functions that have arisen during developments. Factored out to a separate file.

  • images/ - Some screenshots of using the code and some helpful plots.

Some random extra files: not directly related to McElreath's text, but here are other related probability and stats files that may be of interest.

  • subjective-priors.rkt - Mostly inspired by The Theory that Would Not Die by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne. From the appendix: in the absence of much data, the (subjective) prior dominates the data. One source of skepticism about Bayesian data analysis.

  • dice.rkt - Inspired by the article Pascal and the Invention of Probability Theory by Oystein Ore

For illustration purposes, some tweets related to this effort:


Here is a unified list of dependencies. I'm grateful to all of the folks who have made their code available online. I've applied some fixes/patches to get things to work here, noted below. I will eventually submit pull requests to the relevant repos in the hopes of making the code here easier to get running.

  • racket-ml - a set of tools by Dan King for machine learning. I specifically use code here for a multivariate normal distribution. I munged the code a bit to overcome bitrot (see pull requests at github).

  • Racket nlopt - by Jay Kominek. Wraps the NLOpt C library for numerically solving non-linear optimization problems. Available via raco pkg install nlopt or on github.

  • Racket_NumericalMethods - I use the adaptive numerical integration routine in this package for some early examples of non-grid bayesian inference. It did not scale very far, but was at the least educational, and a source of at least one quite precise easy-to-implement reference implementation to compare against grid approximation. Used successfully in globe.rkt. Used unsuccessfully in heights.rkt (I didn't get back even one pdf value after many minutes of waiting, but that could be my error).

  • For experimentation, I recommend Alex Knauth's debug language for tracing intermediate executions. Available via raco pkg install debug or on github.