
Project Overview

  • Description: A Java-based personal diary application that allows users to record daily notes, view previous entries, and search diary content.
  • Objective: Provide a secure and user-friendly platform for maintaining a digital personal diary.

Key Features

  • User Registration
  • Login/Authentication
  • Add Note
  • View Notes
  • Search Notes
  • Edit and Delete Notes

Functional Requirements

  • RF01: User registration
  • RF02: Authentication of registered users
  • RF03: Addition of new notes to the diary
  • RF04: Viewing previous notes
  • RF05: Keyword search in diary notes
  • RF06: Editing and deleting notes

Non-Functional Requirements

  • RNF01: User data security
  • RNF02: Responsiveness across different devices
  • RNF03: Ease of use and intuitive interface
  • RNF04: Scalability to support multiple users

System Architecture

  • Presentation Layer: User interface (JavaFX or Spring Boot with Thymeleaf)
  • Business Logic Layer: Services handling business rules
  • Persistence Layer: Interaction with PostgreSQL database
  • Security Layer: Authentication and authorization management

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Description of the main use cases:

  • Register: Allows new users to register in the system.
  • Login: Allows registered users to log into the system.
  • Add Note: Allows users to add new notes to the diary.
  • Edit Note: Allows users to edit existing notes in the diary.
  • Delete Note: Allows users to delete notes from the diary.
  • View Notes: Allows users to view their previous notes.
  • Search Notes: Allows users to search for notes based on keywords.

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Entities and relationships:

  • User: Stores user information including username and password.
  • Note: Stores diary entries with date, text content, learning, gratitude, and category attributes.

Class Diagram

Class Diagram

Classes and relationships:

  • User: Represents the user entity with attributes id, username, password, and notes.
  • Note: Represents the note entity with attributes id, date, text, learning, gratitude, category, and user.
  • UserRepository: Interface for CRUD operations on User entities.
  • NoteRepository: Interface for CRUD operations on Note entities.
  • UserService: Service class containing business logic for user operations.
  • NoteService: Service class containing business logic for note operations.