
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A vanilla javascript game. Source code: kubowania.


  • The game should stop if a Tetrimino fills the highest row of the game board
  • The player should be able to rotate each Tetrimino about its own axis
  • If a line is completed it should be removed and the pieces above should take its place
  • Render a grid-based game in the browser
  • Include separate HTML / CSS / JavaScript files
  • Use Javascript for DOM manipulation
  • Deploy your game online, using Github Pages, where the rest of the world can access it
  • Use semantic markup for HTML and CSS (adhere to best practices)

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Google Fonts

Features piece of code no.1

//freeze the shape
  function freeze() {
    // if block has settled
    if(current.some(index => squares[currentPosition + index + width].classList.contains('block3') || squares[currentPosition + index + width].classList.contains('block2'))) {
      // make it block2
      current.forEach(index => squares[index + currentPosition].classList.add('block2'))
      // start a new tetromino falling
      random = nextRandom
      nextRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * theTetrominoes.length)
      current = theTetrominoes[random][currentRotation]
      currentPosition = 4

Features piece of code no.2

  //Add score
  function addScore() {
    for (currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < 199;currentIndex += width) {
      const row = [currentIndex,currentIndex+1,currentIndex+2,currentIndex+3,currentIndex+4,currentIndex+5,currentIndex+6,currentIndex+7,currentIndex+8,currentIndex+9]
      if(row.every(index => squares[index].classList.contains('block2'))) {
        score += 10
        lines +=1
        scoreDisplay.innerHTML = score
        linesDisplay.innerHTML = lines
        row.forEach(index => {
          squares[index].style.backgroundImage = 'none'
          squares[index].classList.remove('block2') || squares[index].classList.remove('block')
