
AdContainerView is a simple, lifecycle aware wrapper over Google AdMob's AdView (Banner Ad) which handles most of the stuff by itself.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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AdContainerView is a simple, lifecycle aware wrapper over Google AdMob's AdView (Banner Ad) for a plug & play use-case.

For the simplest use:
You just need to add AdContainerView in your layout, define adUnitId, adSize & that's it!
AdContainerView hooks to your Activity's lifecycle process & handles AdView's lifecycle (Resume, Pause, Destroy Ad).
This is most helpful when you just want to add a simple Banner Ad without any boilerplate.

Adding in your project

AdContainerView is now on mavenCentral(),
Make sure to add that to your repositories block.

val latest_version = 0.3.8


implementation 'com.lazygeniouz:acv:$latest_version'



Using AdContainerView

The same old XML Way


The attributes are as follows:

  • acv_autoLoad: Default Value is false
    If true, the AdView will be loaded as soon as the Activity is created.

  • acv_adSize: Default Value is ADAPTIVE which equals to AdSize.getCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize().
    Define an AdSize for the the AdView, check AdSize.

  • acv_adUnitId: Define an adUnitId for the Banner AdView from your AdMob dashboard.


val adContainerView = AdContainerView(this@MainActivity)
adContainerView.loadAdView(adUnitId, adSize, adRequest)

Loading the Ad:

fun loadAdView(
    adUnitId: String,
    adSize: AdSize,
    adRequest: AdRequest,
    parentHasListView: Boolean,
    showOnCondition: (() -> Boolean)? = null
  1. The arguments adSize & adRequest are optional\
  2. The default value of parameter adSize is ADAPTIVE.\
  3. Pass your AdRequest if you have a customized request.\
  4. Pass true if AdContainerView is added inside a list (RecyclerView, List / GridView).
    If you don't do this & the parent view group is a List, it will be destroyed.
  5. Pass you condition to evaluate whether to show the Ad or not (Default is Null).

All other methods:

  • @Nullable getAdView(): Returns the underlying AdView, can be @null if called before loadAdView().

  • isLoading(): Boolean: Returns true if the Ad is currently loading, false otherwise.

  • isAdLoaded(): Boolean: Returns true if the Ad is loaded, false otherwise.

  • isVisible(): Boolean: Returns true if the Ad is loaded, not null & visible, false otherwise.

  • getAdSize(): Returns current adSize.

  • getAdUnitId(): Returns current adUnitId.

  • setAdListener(listener: AdListener): Use the AdView's AdListener.

  • @Nullable getAdListener(): Returns the Listener if set, null otherwise.

  • removeAd(): Removes the AdView. Make sure to call loadAdView() to re-add AdView.

  • resumeAd(): Resumes AdView (Handled automatically)

  • pauseAd(): Pauses AdView (Handled automatically)

  • destroyAd(): Destroys AdView (Handled automatically)