
Primary LanguagePHP

Computer Systems Security: Planning for Success

This text is intented to be viewed as a website via a web browser. It is currently hosted at https://web.njit.edu/~rxt1077/security

This text uses the AsciiDoctor text publishing toolchain to generate HTML5 output. Asciidoctor-diagram is also used to generate many of the diagrams used throughout the text. Finally, Docker is used to provide the build environment. What follows are directions for building the environment, generating the text, previewing the text, and distributing the text:


These directions assume that Docker is downloaded and installed and the user is familiar with working at the command line.

Start by cloning the git repository to a directory where you have read/write privileges:

$ git clone https://github.com/rxt1077/it230
$ cd it230

We can now use Docker Compose to build the doc-build container which will have a working Ruby and Rust environment as well as all the dependencies needed to generate the text. This step can take a significant amount of time and generate a lot of output (not shown):

$ docker-compose build


All major commands are run through Ruby’s Rake system (see Rakefile in this directory) and run on the doc-build container. The default command is to generate the HTML5 text in the output directory:

$ docker-compose run doc-build rake
Creating docs_doc-build_run ... done
mkdir -p output/images
cp images/anonymous.svg images/arp.svg images/biometric.jpg images/btc.svg images/castle.jpg images/cbc.svg images/cc.png images/cover.svg images/ctr.svg images/db-locked
.svg images/dh.svg images/ecb.svg images/gcm.svg images/hats.png images/https.png images/letsencrypt.svg images/smurf.png images/snmp.png images/wannacry.png output/image

This generates/copies over the images and the single HTML file, index.html.


Ruby WEBRick can be used to temporarily serve the file through the server rake command:

$ docker-compose run --service-ports doc-build rake server
Creating docs_doc-build_run ... done
[2022-04-13 00:33:56] INFO  WEBrick 1.7.0
[2022-04-13 00:33:56] INFO  ruby 3.1.2 (2022-04-12) [x86_64-linux]
[2022-04-13 00:33:56] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=1 port=8080

You should now be able to go to http://localhost:8080 in a web browser and view the output. Once you are done you can type Ctrl-C in the console to stop the server.


The contents of the output folder can now be copied to a web server, or you can set up the deploy command in Rakefile to use rsync to do it automatically. Currently the deploy command syncs with https://web.njit.edu/~rxt1077/security where the text is hosted.