
Print Spooler Named Pipe Impersonation for Cobalt Strike

Primary LanguageC


SpoolSystem is a CNA script for Cobalt Strike which uses @itm4n's Print Spooler named pipe impersonation trick to gain SYSTEM privileges without creating any new process or relying on cross-process shellcode injection (if the selfinject method is used).


The script supports two modes:

  • selfinject: this is the one you probably want to use. It triggers the spoolss RPC method via self-injection within the current process. This is the best option for OPSEC, but ideally should be done in a process you don't mind crashing (just incase).
  • spawn: this uses bdllspawn to trigger the spoolss RPC method, so launches another process (not as good for OPSEC)

Both modes allow a user with only SeImpersonatePrivilege to gain SYSTEM privileges within the current beacon session. This is useful if you have a privilege escalation that gives you LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE or similar, or for cases where SeDebugPrivilege has been removed. However it can also be used as a drop-in replacement for getsystem.


