
An email generator, supporting outlook. Made with dotnet, blazor and electron.net

Primary LanguageC#

🔥 this project has been made in collaboration with Luc Raymond .

📖 this learning project intends to be a PoC. Development have been stopped April 2021. Outlook flow can be obsolete. we will not provide any help using this. take it at it is.

🏆 dozens of thousands outlook email have been generated using this. cliprate was between 10 and 25%, depending on proxies, phonenumbers and some others settings (TR, newsletters, ...).

Technologies used

  • NET5
  • Blazor Server Side
  • MudBlazor
  • Electron.NET
  • Stl.Fusion
  • TPL Dataflow
  • EFCore
  • Eazfuscator
  • Serilog
  • Mailkit
  • CsvHelper
  • ChartJs.Blazor
  • DiscordRichPresence
  • LiteDb
  • Jint
  • FluentResults
  • FluentValidation
  • FluentAssertions
  • DeviceId
  • Bogus
  • 2captcha-csharp
  • HtmlAgilityPack
  • Moq
  • NUnit


  • Hyper (former Metalabs)
  • sms-activate.ru
  • 2captcha