Web Development Internship Repository

Welcome to my Web Development Internship Repository, a curated collection of tasks I have tackled as part of my learning journey. This repository serves as a reflection of the practical skills and knowledge I have acquired in web development.


During my internship, I've been involved in various web development projects, ranging from frontend design to backend services. Each directory within this repository is dedicated to a specific project or task.

Repository Contents

  • Frontend/: Contains tasks related to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build interactive user interfaces.
  • Backend/: Showcases server-side scripts, database management, and API integrations.
  • FullStack/: Encompasses projects that I've worked on which involve both frontend and backend technologies.

Skills Demonstrated

  • Responsive Web Design
  • JavaScript DOM Manipulation
  • Database Integration
  • Version Control with Git

Getting Started

To run any project locally:

  1. Clone the repository using git clone [https://github.com/rizwan-exe/OCTANET-NOVEMBER].
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Follow the README.md instructions within the project folder.

Feedback and Contribution

Feedback is always appreciated as it helps me grow and improve. If you have suggestions or would like to contribute to a project, please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.


I would like to thank my mentors and colleagues at Octanet who have provided guidance and support throughout my internship.


Unless otherwise specified, the projects and tasks in this repository are open-source.