
Ansible role to install perfsonar on a docker container.


Install the perfsonar toolkit or testpoint as a docker container, as sourced from https://hub.docker.com/r/perfsonar.

Role Variables

Default role variables are found in defaults/main.yml.

Name Default Value Description
perfsonar_docker_bundle "" Choice of testpoint or tools. This is required.
perfsonar_docker_ntp_servers "" List of ntp servers to add to the container's /etc/ntp.conf


Docker must be installed properly for this role to function as it should. The role found at https://galaxy.ansible.com/mongrelion/docker/ can be quite useful for its installation.

Example Playbook

- hosts: testpoints
    - { role: ry-gon.perfsonar-docker, perfsonar_docker_bundle: testpoint }

- hosts: toolkits
    - { role: ry-gon.perfsonar-docker, perfsonar_docker_bundle: tools }

Full Containerized perfSONAR Installation Guide:

First install the necessary packages:

yum -y install ansible
ansible-galaxy -f install mongrelion.docker
ansible-galaxy -f install ry-gon.perfsonar-docker

Then write a simple playbook to call the roles, e.g. touch pS.yml. The one shown below will provide a standard installation with the 'perfsonar-testpoint' bundle.

- hosts: testpoints
    - { role: mongrelion.docker }
    - { role: ry-gon.perfsonar-docker, perfsonar_docker_bundle: testpoint }

Then, run the playbook:

ansible-playbook pS.yml

The container should be up and running by default. To attach to it, run the following:

docker exec -it perfsonar_testpoint /bin/bash

If the tools bundle is used, it would be perfsonar_tools instead of perfsonar_testpoint.

Note that the container's clock must be in sync for perfSONAR to function properly. This can be set through ntp, with a command such as:

ntpdate [ntp server]

From here, you can run any regular perfsonar commands, such as pscheduler.

To stop or start the container, run:

docker container stop perfsonar_testpoint


docker container start perfsonar_testpoint

and to list all containers (started or stopped), run:

docker container ls -a


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Author Information

Written by Ryan Goniwiecha http://gitlab.com/ry-gon