
This is the repository to reproduce the issue https://github.com/ionic-team/capacitor/issues/6002

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is the repository to reproduce the issue ionic-team/capacitor#6002


  • Node.js - install node version 16.15.0 (see the installation instructions on the site) or issue nvm install (if nvm is used) which will install the required node version
  • (if using nvm) Switch to node 16.15.0 by issuing nvm use 16.15.0 (you may want to make this default node version)
  • npm - install the latest npm version 8.10.x (for example, 8.10.0 by issuing commands npm install -g npm@8.10.0)
  • Ionic CLI - install the latest stable ionic cli version 6.19.x (for example, 6.19.1 by issuing commands npm install -g @ionic/cli@6.19.1)
  • Install Capacitor Required Dependencies for Android Development (see https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/getting-started/dependencies/)


Initial setup

  1. clone the source code repository
  2. change to project repository directory (the directory where you cloned the repo)
  3. execute the command npm install
  4. to build and run the app execute the command ionic capacitor build android to open projects in Android Studio, then build and run from there

NOTE: There is a dummy Google API key in AndroidManifest.xml. This is required for cordova-launch-navigator plugin and there is no requirement to set a valid Google API key. Any dummy value should work.