
An extensible class to define hyperHTML based Custom Elements.

Primary LanguageHTMLISC LicenseISC


License: ISC Build Status Coverage Status donate

An extensible class to define hyperHTML based Custom Elements.

npm install hyperhtml-element

The Class

const HyperHTMLElement = require('hyperhtml-element');

class MyElement extends HyperHTMLElement {

  // observed attributes are automatically defined as accessors
  static get observedAttributes() { return ['key']; }

  // invoked once the component has been fully upgraded
  // suitable to perform any sort of setup
  // granted to be invoked right before either
  // connectedCallback or attributeChangedCallback
  created() {
    // triggers automatically attributeChangedCallback
    this.key = 'value';

  attributeChangedCallback(name, prev, curr) {
    // when invoked, attributes will be already reflected
    // through their accessor
    this.key === curr; // true, and curr === "value"
    this.getAttribute('key') === this.key; // always true

  render() {
    // lazily defined, this.html property points to an hyperHTML bound context
    // which could be the element shadowRoot or the element itself.
    // All events can be handled directly by the context, thanks to handleEvent
    // https://medium.com/@WebReflection/dom-handleevent-a-cross-platform-standard-since-year-2000-5bf17287fd38
    return this.html`
    Hello <strong onclick=${this}>HyperHTMLElement</strong>
    ( ${this.state.clicks} )`;

  // using the inherited handleEvent,
  // events can be easily defined as methods with `on` prefix.
  onclick(e) {
    // `this` refers to the current custom element
    console.log(this, 'click', e.target);
    // state handling, updates the view
    this.setState({clicks: this.state.clicks + 1});

  // alternatively, you can specify a `data-call`
  // attribute with the name of the method to invoke
  // this.html`<i data-call=onAnyEvent onclick=${this}>try</i>`;
  onAnyEvent(e) {
    // `this` still refers to the current custom element
    console.log(this, e.type, e.currentTarget, e.target);

  // you can also use Preact-like events handling
  // this is less efficient, but migration friendly.
  // The method is bound once per instance so that
  // this.handleClick === this.handleClick is always true
  // this.html`<i onclick=${this.handleClick}>try</i>`;
  handleClick(e) {
    // `this` still refers to the current custom element
    console.log(this, e.type, e.currentTarget, e.target);

  // define a default state to use whenever this.state is accessed
  // it can create states from observed properties too
  get defaultState() {
    return {clicks: 0, key: this.key};

  // this method is Preact friendly, once invoked
  // as this.setState({new: 'value'});
  // it will shallow copy properties over
  // and it will invoke this.render() right after

  // all other native Custom Elements method works as usual
  // connectedCallback() { ... }
  // adoptedCallback() { ... }

// classes must be defined through their public static method
// this is the moment the class will be fully setup once
// and registered to the customElements Registry.


HyperHTMLElement is compatible with every mobile browser and IE11 or greater.

There is a native live test page also transpiled for ES5 browsers.