
A .NET utility class that takes integers such as a primary key id and turns them into short strings using base conversion and a configurable character set.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A utility class that takes integers such as a primary key id and turns them into short strings using base conversion and a configurable character set. I created some helpers for a URL shortening website and abstracted them into this library.

The main difference between this and System.Convert is the ability to provide your own character sets. A handful of encoders have been included that provide readibility and a randomized character set.


Encode has the following forms:

// Encode(ulong value)
string crockfordLower = Shorten.Encode(u);

// Encode(ulong value, EncoderTypes encoderType)
string zBase32 = Shorten.Encode(u, EncoderTypes.ZBase32);

// Encode(ulong value, BaseEncoder encoder)
string binary = Shorten.Encode(u, new BinaryEncoder()); // just for fun

Decode has similar forms:

// Decode(string encodedValue)
crockfordLowerDecoded = Shorten.Decode(crockfordLower);

// Decode(string encodedValue, EncoderTypes encoderType)
ulong crockfordMixedDecoded = Shorten.Decode(crockfordMixed, EncoderTypes.CrockfordMixed);

// Decode(string encodedValue, BaseEncoder encoder)
ulong binaryDecoded = Shorten.Decode(binary, new BinaryEncoder());


Inherit and implement the abstract class Shrtn.Entity.Encoders.BaseEncoder. Drop me a line or fork if you create any additional encoders.

To Do

Some might find it useful to go from a starting base other than 10 but I don't have much interest in that right now.