
CS 260 Project #1 - Sensor data reporting program

Primary LanguageC++

This assignment includes several files:

- readme.txt 		 this file

- instructions.txt	 detailed assignment instructions

- background.txt 	 a (very) short story giving background and context
  			 for the assignment. This file is optional and you
  			 don't have to read it. It is just for fun.

- process.cpp	 	 the main driver for this program. You must use this 
  			 for your main().

- huge.txt, large.txt,   data files for testing and running your program.

- huge.txt.out,		 output fies that correspond to the data files.

- process		 a working "process" program that you can use with
  			 your own data files to make sure that your program
  			 works the same as the "official" solution.

- rubric.txt		 the grading rubric for this assignment