
A simple VueJS Step / Form Wizard plugin with Validation Support.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


alt text


Forked from https://github.com/tushargugnani/vue-step-wizard

You can find documentation here: https://tushargugnani.github.io/vue-step-wizard/#/

Installing Plugin

npm install --save vue-step-wizard

Import Globally

import VueStepWizard from 'vue-step-wizard'
import 'vue-step-wizard/dist/vue-step-wizard.css'

Import and use Components Locally

//local registration
import {FormWizard, TabContent} from 'vue-step-wizard'
import 'vue-step-wizard/dist/vue-step-wizard.css'
//component code
components: {

Bootstrap version


You can two ways to customize this plugin. You can pass classes prop to override default classes or you can define your own layout for header and footer sections. You also can combine then.

To customize using classes prop you should pass classes prop to WizardComponent:

    "previous_button": "step-button step-button-previous",
    "next_button": "step-button step-button-next",
    "submit_button": "step-button step-button-submit",
    "reset_button": "step-button step-button-reset",
    "tabs": "nav nav-pills bg-light nav-justified form-wizard-header mb-3",
    "tab_single": "nav-item",

    "wizard_container": "",
    "wizard_content": "tab-content b-0 mb-0 pt-0",
    "wizard_header": "wizard-header",

    "wizard_progress": "progress mb-3",
    "progress_bar": "bar progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated bg-success"

In other way, you can override header and footer sections by defining slots. For example, if you want override tab layout:

<template v-slot:tab-layout="tabProps">
    <!-- Your layout here -->

You also can enable or disable progress bar.

Importantly that you can only modify default Wizard - FormWizard, You can't add any changes to Bootstrap version, so if you need them - you need create your own wizard on top of FormWizard.

When you overriding layout through slots, you will have next contexts:

Tab layout

Variable Description
tab TabContent instance
index Tab's index


Variable Description
submitSuccess When form successfully sent, this variable will equal true
previousEnabled true if previous button enabled and can be clicked
nextEnabled true if next button enabled and can be clicked
submitEnabled true if submit button enabled and can be clicked
previousTab function, shows previous tab
nextTab function, shows next tab
onSubmit function, sends the form
reset function, resets the form

Progress Bar

If you do not need progress bar, you can hide it by setting this properties:

Property Description
progressBeforeTabs Show progress bar before tabs
progressAfterTabs Show progress bar after tabs inside tabs content block


We use vuelidate package for validation. You should define validation rules by wizard steps. All validation rules should be under validationRules data field:

  "formData": {
      "firstName": null
  "validationRules": [
      { "firstName": { /* validation rules */ } }

By default validation works on formData nested object, so you should use formData to store your data. However, you can change it by setting up $formName field. When $formName field is present, then we'll use nested object with this name. Example:

  "$formName": "userDetails",
  "userDetails": {
      "firstName": null
  "validationRules": [
      { "firstName": { /* validation rules */ } }

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