BoxFlatMinBalance = 0.002500
BoxByteMinBalance = 0.000400
MaxBoxSize = 32k
MaxAppBoxReferences = 8
BytesPerBoxReference = 1k
Max box bytes accessible in 1 app call: 8k
Max box bytes accessible in 16 app calls: 128k
If a map
is required, a box per key should be used
To know what the key to reference, ask the app to tell us what the key should be
A common pattern will likely be map keyed by the address of the user
If a list
is required it must be <128k if you intend to to access the entire list and it'd have to be split across 4 boxes (128/32)
- For an 8 byte element, this may contain 16000 elements
- For a 32 byte element, this may contain 4000 elements
- For a 128 byte element, this may contain 1000 elements
Static Vs Dynamic element types in a list
- Static type should be preferred so a list index can be directly mapped can be mapped directly to a byte offset index
- Dynamic typed lists mean we'd have to iterate through the structure, reading each's
(and length of contained elements) to find the right offset from which to read the data
name = Bytes("name")
val = Bytes("val")
size = Int(1)
start = Int(1)
BoxCreate(name, size) # Create a new box of size
BoxDelete(name) # Delete box
BoxExtract(name, start, size) # Get `size` bytes from box starting from `start`
BoxReplace(name, start, val) # Overwrite whatever is in the box from start to len(val)
BoxPut(name, val) # Write all contents of `val` to box starting from 0
BoxGet(name) # Get the full contents of this box (will panic >4k)
BoxLen(name) # Get the size of this box