
Node.js API library for getting scans off your Doxie go, Doxie Q, and Doxie go SE scanners ❤️

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Node.js library for Doxie go Wi-fi, Doxie Q, and Doxie Go SE

This is a Node js wrapper library/SDK for the API provided from the Doxie series of Wi-Fi document scanners.


See Doxie's offical API documentation


yarn add doxie-node


npm install doxie-node --save

Usage / Initialize

This requires knowing your Doxie's IP address on your network. All methods return a promise.

import doxieNode from 'doxie-node';
const doxie = new doxieNode({ doxieURL: '' });

Available options

doxie-node can take the following options:

  • username optional - defaults:doxie
  • password optional
  • token optional - base64 encoded username and password token (ie. Basic [token]) if username and password provided, this token is created for you.
  • doxieURL required
  • doxiePort optional - default:8080



Used to check the status of your Doxie. If calling on a Doxie go SE or Doxie Q the return will include the firmware and connectedToExternalPower.

return doxie.hello().then(response);


  model: 'DX250',
  name: 'Doxie_042D6A',
  firmwareWiFi: '1.29',
  hasPassword: false,
  MAC: '00:11:E5:04:2D:6A',
  mode: 'AP'

scanner_status (Only for Doxie Go Wi-Fi)

This method was deprecated for Doxie go SE, Doxie Q


 "firmware": "0.26",
 "connectedToExternalPower": true


returns 204 No Content and then restarts the scanner's Wi-Fi system. The scanner's status light blinks blue during the restart.

return doxie.restart().then(response);


returns an array of all scans currently in the scanner’s memory. After scanning a document, the scan will available via the API several second later

return doxie.list_all_scans().then(response);


    name: '/DOXIE/JPEG/IMG_0001.JPG',
    size: 241220,
    modified: '2010-05-01 00:10:06'
    name: '/DOXIE/JPEG/IMG_0002.JPG',
    size: 265085,
    modified: '2010-05-01 00:09:26'
    name: '/DOXIE/JPEG/IMG_0003.JPG',
    size: 273522,
    modified: '2010-05-01 00:09:44'


returns the path to the last scan if available. Monitoring this value for changes provides a simple way to detect new scans without having to fetch the entire list of scans.

return doxie.most_recent_scan().then(response);




returns the scan at the specified path or 404 Not Found This method also will retry (default: 3) when a 404 is not found assuming the image is not ready.


  • scanPath required - String (ie. '/DOXIE/JPEG/IMG_0001.JPG')
  • retries optional - default: 3 - Number of retires to attempt when image is not ready
return doxie.get_scan('/DOXIE/JPEG/IMG_0001.JPG').then(response);


Thumbnails are constrained to fit within 240x240 pixels. Thumbnails for new scans are not generated until after the scan has been made available in get_scan() and most_recent_scan(). This function will return 404 Not Found if the thumbnail has not yet been generated. This method also will retry (default: 3) when a 404 is not found assuming the image is not ready.


  • scanPath required - String (ie. '/DOXIE/JPEG/IMG_0001.JPG')
  • retries optional - default: 3 - Number of retires to attempt when image is not ready
return doxie.get_thumbnail('/DOXIE/JPEG/IMG_0001.JPG').then(response);

returns on success the stream of the thumbnail


returns on failure

404 Not Found


deletes the scan at the specified path

return doxie.delete_scan('/DOXIE/JPEG/IMG_0001.JPG').then(response);

returns on success

204 No Content

when deleteing multiple scans use delete_mutiple_scans for the best performance.


deletes multiple scans in a single operation. This is much faster than deleting each scan individually. Multiple scans are referenced using a JSON array of paths

const scans = [
return doxie.delete_multiple_scans(scans).then(response);

returns on success

204 No Content


  • yarn install
  • yarn test to run tests


  • npm version [minor, patch, major]
  • git push origin master --tag Auto publishes on tag commit to master. or
  • git push --follow-tags

This library is released under the MIT License