I am using Linux (Ubuntu 20.0)
(From scratch)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
nvm install 22
npm install expo-cli --global
(These are copy+pasted from bash command history, not verified)
Verify the versions downloaded:
npm -v
or node -v
npm install create-react-native-app
npx create-react-native-app
(Answer the prompts, I used the preset 'with-tab-navigation')
npm start
This will start the server. A QR code should appear. You can press 'r' to refresh the server at any time, although it should auto-refresh.
- Find an iOS device.
- Download 'Expo Go' app from the App Store.
- Use the Camera app to scan the QR code.
- If the simulator is unresponsive, you will likely need to toggle developer mode by typing 'm' on the server.
- Find an Android device.
- Download 'Expo' app from the Play store.
- Use Expo to take a photo of the QR code
(To app stores) TBD