
An Open Source UI Library for creating beautiful and responsive applications using web standards

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An Open Source UI Library for creating beautiful and responsive applications using web standards


  • Download TopCoat

  • Copy all the contents of the release folder to your desired project.

  • Link the CSS into your page

      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/topcoat-desktop-min.css">

*Alternatively incorporate the css into your build process if you are so inclined.


Start by checking out our Backlog. To see the prioritized list of items just click on the blue arrow on the left (a panel called Backlog should slide in).

*We use Huboard to keep our issues organized into a backlog.

For the details see our Engineering Practices.


For performance tests, see test/perf/telemetry/README.md.


TopCoat uses Grunt to build

  • Open the terminal from the topcoat directory

      cd topcoat
  • Install npm *comes packaged with node.

  • Install its command line interface (CLI) globally

      npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Install dependencies with npm

      npm install

*Topcoat uses Grunt 0.4.0 you might want to read more on their website if you haven't upgraded since a lot has changed..

  • Type grunt in the command line to build the css.
  • The results will be built into the release folder.
  • Alternatively type grunt watch to have the build run automatically when you make changes to source files.

Release notes

See Release Notes on the wiki.


Apache license