C# /.NET implementation of the Electronic Health Certificate Specification to create and decode Digital Covid Certificates
This is a dotnet standard library.
// First connect to the DCC Gateway
// Get the TLS certificate
// From a certificate store or this could also be a file or some other methods
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2([ByteArrayOfTheCert])
var gatewayService = new GatewayService("https://url to the gateway", cert);
var dscs = gatewayService.GetAllDscFromGateway();
// ISecretariatService needs to be implemented
var secratariatService = new MyImpSecratariatService(dscs);
// Decode the barcode to cwt object
GreenCertificateDecoder decoder = new GreenCertificateDecoder();
var cwt = decoder.Decode(barcodeContent);
// Verify
GreenCertificateVerifier verifier = new GreenCertificateVerifier(secratariatService);
var (isvalid, reason) = await verifier.Verify(cwt);
// Get the signing certificate with a private key
// From a certificate store (HSM) or this could also be a file or some other methods
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2([ByteArrayOfTheCert])
// Create CWT
var ci = "URN:UVCI:01:IS:SomeUniqeID";
CWT cwt = new CWT();
cwt.DGCv1 = new DgCertificate
Name = new Nam
FamilyName = lastName,
GivenName = firstName,
FamilyNameTransliterated = MrzEncoder.Encode(lastName),
GivenNameTraslitaerated = MrzEncoder.Encode(firstName),
Version = "1.0.0",
DateOfBirth = dateofbirth,
Test = new TestEntry[]
new TestEntry
CertificateIdentifier = ci + "#" + LuhnModN.GenerateCheckCharacter(ci),
CountryOfTest = "IS",
Disease = "840539006",
Issuer="Directorate of Health of Iceland",
SampleTakenDate = sampletakenDate,
TestingCenter = "Department of ClinicalMicrobiology,Landspitali",
TestNameAndManufacturer = "1278",
TestName = "Xiamen Boson Biotech Co. Ltd, Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card",
TestResult = "260415000",
TestResutDate = testresultDate,
TestType = "LP6464-4"
cwt.ExpiarationTime = testDate.AddHours(72);
cwt.IssueAt = DateTime.Now;
cwt.Issuer = "IS";
string encodedDigitalCovidCert = new GreenCertificateEncoder(cert).Encode(cwt);
// Create a QR Code
using var stream = QrCodeGenerator.GenerateQR(dcc);
using var filestream = File.Create("qrCode.png");
Verifying extended key parameters and the signing country has not been implemented Signature certificates when downloaded are not verified against CA