
A contact form API endpoint with honeypot, validation, and email delivery.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

repo npm

A contact form API endpoint with honeypot, validation, email delivery, and hooks to extend.


var express = require('express');
var contactFormEndpoint = require('@ryanburnette/contact-form-endpoint');

var app = express();

var contact = contactFormEndpoint.create({
  // opts

app.use('/api/forms/contact', contact);

See demo.js for full usage.


Any post body attributes not found in the contraints will trigger the honeypot. A honeypot request is given a 200 response while no further action is taken. Put at least one hidden field in your form that is not present in your contraints to take advantage of the honeypot's proection.


The constraints of the form are passed directly to Validate.js. If the validation object is not undefined it is returned as JSON with a 422 status code.


Emails are rendered using ejs then sent using mailgun-js.

Use opts.email if there's just one notification. If there are multiple, provide an array of email configuration objects at opts.emails.

If no template is provided, HTML and text templates are automatically generated. If an HTML template is provided it will be used and the text template will be generated from it by stripping its HTML tags. If both are provided, they will both be used.

var endpoint = contactFormEndpoint.create({
  // ...
  emails: [
      from: 'Team <no-reply@mysite.com>',
      to: '<%= data.name %> <<%= data.email %>>', // you can use EJS in any field
      'h:Reply-To': '<%= data.name %> <<%= data.email %>>',
      subject: 'Thank you for your submission',
      html: '', // EJS HTML template
      text: '' // EJS text template


mailgun-js requires credentials.

var endpoint = contactFormEndpoint.create({
  // ...
  mailgun: {
    apiKey: '',
    domain: ''


Provide hooks for additional steps like writing to a database or making an additional HTTP request.

var endpoint = contactFormEndpoint.create({
  // ...
  hooks: {
    honeypot: function(req) {
      console.log(req.body, 'triggered the honeypot');
    validation: function(req, validation) {
      console.log(req.body, validation, 'was invalid');
    success: function(req) {
      console.log(req.body, 'success');
    emailSuccess: function(result) {
    emailFail: function(err) {