
A pack of Eleventy plugins for generating an RSS feed.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A pack of Eleventy filters for generating Atom, JSON and RSS feeds using the Nunjucks templating engine.

This is a fork of the official plugin, which doesn't seem to be particularly maintained.

See sample/feed.njk for an example Atom feed template, sample/feed.json for an example JSON feed template, or sample/feed-rss.njk for an example RSS feed template.


npm install @ryanccn/eleventy-plugin-rss


  • dateRfc3339: RFC 3339 dates that Atom uses
  • dateRfc822: RFC 822 dates
  • getNewestCollectionItemDate: Get the newest date of an item in a collection
  • absoluteUrl: Make a relative URL absolute
  • convertHtmlToAbsoluteUrls: Convert relative links in HTML to absolute URLs