
A realtime tagging tool for videos based on OpenCV

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A realtime tagging tool for videos based on OpenCV


Config File


  • InputVideo: video source
  • LabelFile: classes to label (one class per line)
  • OutputDir: where(directory) to store the info of tags(filename will be <video-filename>.tag), the output format is: label-name <tab> frame-number <tab> x <tab> y <tab> width <tab> height per line.


In prompt: $ cd src && make


  1. In prompt: $ ./e2tagging
  2. Start video playing by pressing p.
  3. Press p to enter tagging mode.
  4. Press [, ] to switch label classes.
  5. Use mouse(lift-button) to create bounding box of the tag.
  6. Press p to continue video playing.
  7. The tagging infos are automatically saved.

Key Mapping

  • p: toggle tagging/playing mode. In tagging mode, use mouse(left-button) to define the bounding box of the tag.
  • ,, .: switch between tags which are created.
  • x: delete tag which is selected.
  • [, ]: switch between labels(show at top-right corner).
  • z: print debug messages.
  • w, a, s, d: move the bounding box up/left/down/right-ward of the selected tag.
  • -, +: enlarge/shrink the bounding box of the selected tag.
  • q, ESC: quit


OpenCV, boost libraries


  • Add OpenGL support