
vLLM with Globus Compute

Primary LanguagePython


vLLM with Globus Compute

This demonstrates how to run a vLLM instance on Polaris and submit inference prompts from any computer and receive the response from a model of your choice back to the computer you submitted the task from.

Note: This is a hands-on repo. It will be helpful to read all the code files since you will be editing them by the TODO statements.


Please run all installation commands on an interactive node so that it uses the correct build environment:

qsub -I -l select=1 -l walltime=1:00:00 -A <project-id> -q debug -l filesystems=home:eagle

Note: xformers needs a particular version of python to avoid building from source

module load conda/2023-01-10-unstable
conda create -n vllm python=3.10.11 -y
conda activate vllm
pip install vllm

Before running, we recommend you put your huggingface cache directory on a file system with a larger quota than the home directory, e.g.,

echo 'export HF_HOME=/lus/eagle/projects/CVD-Mol-AI/braceal/cache/huggingface' >> ~/.bashrc

Important: Please make sure to update the path in the .py files as well (sorry it's a bit hacky)

Check that xformers is properly installed

python -m xformers.info

It should output:

xFormers 0.0.20
memory_efficient_attention.cutlassF:               available
memory_efficient_attention.cutlassB:               available
memory_efficient_attention.flshattF:               available
memory_efficient_attention.flshattB:               available
memory_efficient_attention.smallkF:                available
memory_efficient_attention.smallkB:                available
memory_efficient_attention.tritonflashattF:        available
memory_efficient_attention.tritonflashattB:        available
indexing.scaled_index_addF:                        available
indexing.scaled_index_addB:                        available
indexing.index_select:                             available
swiglu.dual_gemm_silu:                             available
swiglu.gemm_fused_operand_sum:                     available
swiglu.fused.p.cpp:                                available
is_triton_available:                               True
is_functorch_available:                            False
pytorch.version:                                   2.0.1+cu117
pytorch.cuda:                                      available
gpu.compute_capability:                            8.0
gpu.name:                                          NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
build.info:                                        available
build.cuda_version:                                1108
build.python_version:                              3.10.11
build.torch_version:                               2.0.1+cu118
build.env.TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST:                    5.0+PTX 6.0 6.1 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.6
build.env.XFORMERS_BUILD_TYPE:                     Release
build.env.NVCC_FLAGS:                              None
build.env.XFORMERS_PACKAGE_FROM:                   wheel-v0.0.20
build.nvcc_version:                                11.8.89
source.privacy:                                    open source

At this point you should be able to run

python offline_inference.py

Setup a globus-compute endpoint (funcx) to run LLM inference from anywhere

First, install and run the command to configure the endpoint

pip install globus-compute-endpoint
globus-compute-endpoint configure
globus-compute-endpoint configure vllm

The above command will output a yaml file with the globus-compute configuration. Let's update it by copying this in. Make sure to update the account name so your jobs get charged correctly.

For more details, see here: https://funcx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/endpoints.html#polaris-alcf

Update this file: ~/.globus_compute/vllm/config.yaml

    type: HighThroughputEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 1

    # Un-comment to give each worker exclusive access to a single GPU
    available_accelerators: 4

        type: SimpleStrategy
        max_idletime: 300

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: bond0

        type: PBSProProvider

            type: MpiExecLauncher
            # Ensures 1 manger per node, work on all 64 cores
            bind_cmd: --cpu-bind
            overrides: --depth=64 --ppn 1

        account: RL-fold
        queue: preemptable
        cpus_per_node: 32
        select_options: ngpus=4

        # e.g., "#PBS -l filesystems=home:grand:eagle\n#PBS -k doe"
        scheduler_options: "#PBS -l filesystems=home:grand:eagle"

        # Node setup: activate necessary conda environment and such
        worker_init: "module load conda/2023-01-10-unstable; conda activate vllm"

        walltime: 01:00:00
        nodes_per_block: 1
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 2

Finally, we just need to start the globus-compute endpoint so it can begin receiving requests. Run this and follow the prompt:

globus-compute-endpoint start vllm

You should see that the vllm endpoint is in the Running state:

globus-compute-endpoint list

Important: Take the UUID next to your vllm endpoint and copy it into offline_inference_funcx.py under the TODO.

You can stop your endpoint by running:

globus-compute-endpoint stop vllm

Running the LLM inference from anywhere

Now that the globus-compute endpoint is running, we can open a new terminal and run the vllm inference function locally and receive the response back from the model running on Polaris.

Note: We need to use the same python version as is running on Polaris.

Note: The first time your run the function on a new computer you will need to authenticate with Globus.

Note: If it's been a while since you've run the function, it will take a minute to warm up. That's because the job has to get through the queue and import the python libraries, etc. Subsequent calls will be faster.

Locally (or from any computer),

conda create -n vllm python=3.10.11 -y
pip install globus-compute-endpoint
python offline_inference_funxc.py 

Next steps

Now you are able to run inference from anywhere. Try playing with different models, sampling parameters, prompts, etc. Build a CLI to experiment, call your function from other software, have fun!