
Dead-simple Horizon/Vue chat app

Primary LanguageVue

Revised @SaFrMO/hv-chat

Vue-Horizon chat app with the following mods: Installed Vue Router Created a splash test component before messages example app entry This is a scaffolding point for future Vue/Horizon projects

How I think this works

  • dev script seems to watch with webpack but does not use the vue dev server
  • build builds
  • hz is served over localhost:8181

For production / Future Improvements

  • Vuex if necessary (should be as simple as --save with npm then setup accordingly)
  • Changing the horizon server to serve on a docker instance or
  • Use Caddy as a reverse proxy to the localhost port or
  • Restructure the application to include the @horizon or the vue horizon package so that you can serve a regular build through caddy or
  • Attempt to serve this /build through caddy

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# webpack watch, no minification
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# start horizon
hz serve --dev

For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.