
Testing Hopfield networks with Abhilasha

Primary LanguagePython

Hopfield Network Debugging Repo

In this repo, we will be exporing Hopfield networkds as an alternative to the traditional approach to attention in transformer models.


Make two calsses of "molecules" with a couple gaussian spectral features.
Use those features to select 5 random electron counts of the 256 nonuniform quantized bins.
Try to use the Wasserstein distance to determine "similar" and "dis-similar" binary vectors.
Split the similar vectors across the Hopfield heads and train each head from only a few of each dis-similar training sets.
Then feed combinations of multiple molecule classes with ~25-50 counts in order to see if the multi-head hopfield can get the relative ratios right. Give it a new molecule and see if it can recover the input, run it like an auto-encoder.

Later, try doing nonuniform quantization.