
The objective of this task is design, implement and test a thread-safe 'forgetting map'. A 'forgetting' map should hold associations between a ‘key’ and some ‘content’. It should implement at least two methods:

  1. add (add an association)
  2. find (find content using the specified key).

It should hold as many associations as it can, but no more than x associations at any time, with x being a parameter passed to the constructor. Associations that are least used, in the sense of the frequency of 'finds' performed against an association, are removed from the map as needed.

Design & Implement

The idea I had was to create a new class using composition. I created two versions of this:

  1. ForgettingMap
  2. ForgettingList ...which use Map and List respectively to store the data.

Since the objective stated key and content should be used, I created the Associations class to contain these values. ~Note that Associations is not necessary to achieve the objective while using ForgettingMap, so this could be removed and only hold content.


Run all tests using ./gradlew test