Perfect-Crypto 简体中文
Digest, cipher and encoding support for Perfect.
Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 3)
Ensure that you have installed libssl-dev. OpenSSL 1.0.2+ is required for this package. On Ubuntu 14 or some Debian distributions you will need to update your OpenSSL before this package will build.
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
This package wraps up some of the functionality provided by OpenSSL and adds a Swift layer on top of it. The main features are:
- Extensions for String, [UInt8] and UnsafeRawBufferPointer that provide simple encode, decode, digest and cipher operations.
- JWT (JSON Web Token) generation and validation.
- Generation of arbitrary amounts of random data.
- Swift wrappers around OpenSSL BIOs, providing chainable, filterable byte IO sinks and sources.
- Convenience functions for creating Strings given non-null terminated UTF8 containing UnsafeRawBufferPointer or [UInt8] objects.
let testStr = "Hello, world!"
guard let hexBytes = testStr.encode(.hex) else {
String(validatingUTF8: hexBytes) == "48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421"
guard let unHex = hexBytes.decode(.hex) else {
String(validatingUTF8: unHex) == testStr
let testStr = "Hello, world!"
guard let baseBytes = testStr.encode(.base64) else {
String(validatingUTF8: baseBytes) == "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="
guard let unBase = baseBytes.decode(.base64) else {
String(validatingUTF8: unBase) == testStr
let testStr = "Hello, world!"
let testAnswer = "315f5bdb76d078c43b8ac0064e4a0164612b1fce77c869345bfc94c75894edd3"
guard let enc = testStr.digest(.sha256)?.encode(.hex) else {
String(validatingUTF8: enc) == testAnswer
The following snippet will HMAC-SHA1 sign, encode as base64, then decode, and verify a data string. Replace usages of .sha1 or .base64 depending on your requirements.
let password = "this is a good pw"
let data = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
if let signed = data.sign(.sha1, key: HMACKey(password))?.encode(.base64),
let base64Str = String(validatingUTF8: signed),
let reRawData = base64Str.decode(.base64) {
let verifyResult = data.verify(.sha1, signature: reRawData, key: HMACKey(password))
} else {
XCTAssert(false, "Failed signing")
public extension String {
/// Construct a string from a UTF8 character pointer.
/// Character data does not need to be null terminated.
/// The buffer's count indicates how many characters are to be converted.
/// Returns nil if the data is invalid.
init?(validatingUTF8 ptr: UnsafeRawBufferPointer?)
/// Construct a string from a UTF8 character array.
/// The array's count indicates how many characters are to be converted.
/// Returns nil if the data is invalid.
init?(validatingUTF8 a: [UInt8])
/// Obtain a buffer pointer for the String's UTF8 characters.
func withBufferPointer<Result>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
public extension String {
/// Decode the String into an array of bytes using the indicated encoding.
/// The string's UTF8 characters are decoded.
func decode(_ encoding: Encoding) -> [UInt8]?
/// Encode the String into an array of bytes using the indicated encoding.
/// The string's UTF8 characters are decoded.
func encode(_ encoding: Encoding) -> [UInt8]?
/// Perform the digest algorithm on the String's UTF8 bytes
func digest(_ digest: Digest) -> [UInt8]?
/// Sign the String data into an array of bytes using the indicated algorithm and key.
func sign(_ digest: Digest, key: Key) -> [UInt8]?
/// Verify the signature against the String data.
/// Returns true if the signature is verified. Returns false otherwise.
func verify(_ digest: Digest, signature: [UInt8], key: Key) -> Bool
/// Encrypt this buffer using the indicated cipher, password, and salt.
/// The string's UTF8 characters are encoded.
/// Resulting data is in PEM encoded CMS format.
func encrypt(_ cipher: Cipher,
password: String,
salt: String,
keyIterations: Int = 2048,
keyDigest: Digest = .md5) -> String?
/// Decrypt this PEM encoded CMS buffer using the indicated password and salt.
/// Resulting decrypted data must be valid UTF-8 characters or the operation will fail.
func decrypt(_ cipher: Cipher,
password: String,
salt: String,
keyIterations: Int = 2048,
keyDigest: Digest = .md5) -> String?
public protocol Octal {}
extension UInt8: Octal {}
public extension Array where Element: Octal {
/// Encode the Array into An array of bytes using the indicated encoding.
func encode(_ encoding: Encoding) -> [UInt8]?
/// Decode the Array into an array of bytes using the indicated encoding.
func decode(_ encoding: Encoding) -> [UInt8]?
/// Digest the Array data into an array of bytes using the indicated algorithm.
func digest(_ digest: Digest) -> [UInt8]?
/// Sign the Array data into an array of bytes using the indicated algorithm and key.
func sign(_ digest: Digest, key: Key) -> [UInt8]?
/// Verify the array against the signature.
/// Returns true if the signature is verified. Returns false otherwise.
func verify(_ digest: Digest, signature: [UInt8], key: Key) -> Bool
/// Decrypt this buffer using the indicated cipher, key an iv (initialization vector).
func encrypt(_ cipher: Cipher, key: [UInt8], iv: [UInt8]) -> [UInt8]?
/// Decrypt this buffer using the indicated cipher, key an iv (initialization vector).
func decrypt(_ cipher: Cipher, key: [UInt8], iv: [UInt8]) -> [UInt8]?
/// Encrypt this buffer using the indicated cipher, password, and salt.
/// Resulting data is PEM encoded CMS format.
func encrypt(_ cipher: Cipher,
password: [UInt8],
salt: [UInt8],
keyIterations: Int = 2048,
keyDigest: Digest = .md5) -> [UInt8]?
/// Decrypt this PEM encoded CMS buffer using the indicated password and salt.
func decrypt(_ cipher: Cipher,
password: [UInt8],
salt: [UInt8],
keyIterations: Int = 2048,
keyDigest: Digest = .md5) -> [UInt8]?
public extension UnsafeRawBufferPointer {
/// Encode the buffer using the indicated encoding.
/// The return value must be deallocated by the caller.
func encode(_ encoding: Encoding) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer?
/// Decode the buffer using the indicated encoding.
/// The return value must be deallocated by the caller.
func decode(_ encoding: Encoding) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer?
/// Digest the buffer using the indicated algorithm.
/// The return value must be deallocated by the caller.
func digest(_ digest: Digest) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer?
/// Sign the buffer using the indicated algorithm and key.
/// The return value must be deallocated by the caller.
func sign(_ digest: Digest, key: Key) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer?
/// Verify the signature against the buffer.
/// Returns true if the signature is verified. Returns false otherwise.
func verify(_ digest: Digest, signature: UnsafeRawBufferPointer, key: Key) -> Bool
/// Encrypt this buffer using the indicated cipher, key and iv (initialization vector).
/// Returns a newly allocated buffer which must be freed by the caller.
func encrypt(_ cipher: Cipher, key: UnsafeRawBufferPointer, iv: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer?
/// Decrypt this buffer using the indicated cipher, key and iv (initialization vector).
/// Returns a newly allocated buffer which must be freed by the caller.
func decrypt(_ cipher: Cipher, key: UnsafeRawBufferPointer, iv: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer?
/// Encrypt this buffer to PEM encoded CMS format using the indicated cipher, password, and salt.
/// Returns a newly allocated buffer which must be freed by the caller.
func encrypt(_ cipher: Cipher,
password: UnsafeRawBufferPointer,
salt: UnsafeRawBufferPointer,
keyIterations: Int = 2048,
keyDigest: Digest = .md5) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer?
/// Decrypt this PEM encoded CMS buffer using the indicated password and salt.
/// Returns a newly allocated buffer which must be freed by the caller.
func decrypt(_ cipher: Cipher,
password: UnsafeRawBufferPointer,
salt: UnsafeRawBufferPointer,
keyIterations: Int = 2048,
keyDigest: Digest = .md5) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer?
public extension UnsafeRawBufferPointer {
/// Allocate memory for `size` bytes with word alignment from the encryption library's
/// random number generator.
/// - Postcondition: The memory is allocated and initialized to random bits.
static func allocateRandom(count size: Int) -> UnsafeRawBufferPointer?
public extension FixedWidthInteger {
/// get a random integer, i.e., signed or unsigned int8/16/32/64
public static var random: Self
public extension Float {
/// get a random float
public static var random: Float
public extension Double {
/// get a random double
public static var random: Double
This crypto package provides an means for creating new JWT tokens and validating existing tokens.
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed. JWTs can be signed using a secret (with the HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using RSA. Source: JWT.
New JWT tokens are created through the JWTCreator
/// Creates and signs new JWT tokens.
public struct JWTCreator {
/// Creates a new JWT token given a payload.
/// The payload can then be signed to generate a JWT token string.
public init?(payload: [String:Any])
/// Sign and return a new JWT token string using an HMAC key.
/// Additional headers can be optionally provided.
/// Throws a JWT.Error.signingError if there is a problem generating the token string.
public func sign(alg: JWT.Alg, key: String, headers: [String:Any] = [:]) throws -> String
/// Sign and return a new JWT token string using the given key.
/// Additional headers can be optionally provided.
/// The key type must be compatible with the indicated `algo`.
/// Throws a JWT.Error.signingError if there is a problem generating the token string.
public func sign(alg: JWT.Alg, key: Key, headers: [String:Any] = [:]) throws -> String
Existing JWT tokens can be validated through the JWTVerifier
/// Accepts a JWT token string and verifies its structural validity and signature.
public struct JWTVerifier {
/// The headers obtained from the token.
public var header: [String:Any]
/// The payload carried by the token.
public var payload: [String:Any]
/// Create a JWTVerifier given a source string in the "aaaa.bbbb.cccc" format.
/// Returns nil if the given string is not a valid JWT.
/// *Does not perform verification in this step.* Call `verify` with your key to validate.
/// If verification succeeds then the `.headers` and `.payload` properties can be safely accessed.
public init?(_ jwt: String)
/// Verify the token based on the indicated algorithm and HMAC key.
/// Throws a JWT.Error.verificationError if any aspect of the token is incongruent.
/// Returns without any error if the token was able to be verified.
/// The parameter `algo` must match the token's "alg" header.
public func verify(algo: JWT.Alg, key: String) throws
/// Verify the token based on the indicated algorithm and key.
/// Throws a JWT.Error.verificationError if any aspect of the token is incongruent.
/// Returns without any error if the token was able to be verified.
/// The parameter `algo` must match the token's "alg" header.
/// The key type must be compatible with the indicated `algo`.
public func verify(algo: JWT.Alg, key: Key) throws
The following example will create and then verify a token using the "HS256" alg scheme.
let name = "John Doe"
let tstPayload = ["sub": "1234567890", "name": name, "admin": true] as [String : Any]
let secret = "secret"
guard let jwt1 = JWTCreator(payload: tstPayload) else {
return // fatal error
let token = try jwt1.sign(alg: .hs256, key: secret)
guard let jwt = JWTVerifier(token) else {
return // fatal error
try jwt.verify(algo: .hs256, key: HMACKey(secret))
let fndName = jwt.payload["name"] as? String
// name == fndName!
It's important to note that the JWTVerifier will verify that the token is cryptographically sound, but it does not validate payload claims such as iss(uer) or exp(iration). You can obtain these from the payload dictionary and validate according to the needs of your application.
/// Available encoding methods.
public enum Encoding {
case base64
case hex
/// Available digest methods.
public enum Digest {
case md4
case md5
case sha
case sha1
case dss
case dss1
case ecdsa
case sha224
case sha256
case sha384
case sha512
case ripemd160
case whirlpool
case custom(String)
/// Available ciphers.
public enum Cipher {
case des_ecb
case des_ede
case des_ede3
case des_ede_ecb
case des_ede3_ecb
case des_cfb64
case des_cfb1
case des_cfb8
case des_ede_cfb64
case des_ede3_cfb1
case des_ede3_cfb8
case des_ofb
case des_ede_ofb
case des_ede3_ofb
case des_cbc
case des_ede_cbc
case des_ede3_cbc
case desx_cbc
case des_ede3_wrap
case rc4
case rc4_40
case rc4_hmac_md5
case rc2_ecb
case rc2_cbc
case rc2_40_cbc
case rc2_64_cbc
case rc2_cfb64
case rc2_ofb
case bf_ecb
case bf_cbc
case bf_cfb64
case bf_ofb
case cast5_ecb
case cast5_cbc
case cast5_cfb64
case cast5_ofb
case aes_128_ecb
case aes_128_cbc
case aes_128_cfb1
case aes_128_cfb8
case aes_128_cfb128
case aes_128_ofb
case aes_128_ctr
case aes_128_ccm
case aes_128_gcm
case aes_128_xts
case aes_128_wrap
case aes_192_ecb
case aes_192_cbc
case aes_192_cfb1
case aes_192_cfb8
case aes_192_cfb128
case aes_192_ofb
case aes_192_ctr
case aes_192_ccm
case aes_192_gcm
case aes_192_wrap
case aes_256_ecb
case aes_256_cbc
case aes_256_cfb1
case aes_256_cfb8
case aes_256_cfb128
case aes_256_ofb
case aes_256_ctr
case aes_256_ccm
case aes_256_gcm
case aes_256_xts
case aes_256_wrap
case aes_128_cbc_hmac_sha1
case aes_256_cbc_hmac_sha1
case aes_128_cbc_hmac_sha256
case aes_256_cbc_hmac_sha256
case camellia_128_ecb
case camellia_128_cbc
case camellia_128_cfb1
case camellia_128_cfb8
case camellia_128_cfb128
case camellia_128_ofb
case camellia_192_ecb
case camellia_192_cbc
case camellia_192_cfb1
case camellia_192_cfb8
case camellia_192_cfb128
case camellia_192_ofb
case camellia_256_ecb
case camellia_256_cbc
case camellia_256_cfb1
case camellia_256_cfb8
case camellia_256_cfb128
case camellia_256_ofb
case seed_ecb
case seed_cbc
case seed_cfb128
case seed_ofb
case custom(String)
For more documentation, please visit