Good Questions are hard to come by.... and their answers even more so. As your client I am requesting you to build me an application that will be the next best thing since sliced bread.
- A place for users to post questions.
- Each question should be able to have its own list of responses and comments.
- Each Response can have its own list of comments.
- Responses can be marked as solutions.
- Questions, Responses, and comments can be upvoted or downvoted and should be ordered according to the most votes.
- Questions should be able to have topic tags attached to help with searching.
- A search bar should be available and will filter the questions based upon the query.
- Anything can be flagged as inappropriate.
- Sort Questions by topics, date, answered/unanswered
- Users can see all of their contributions on their profile page
- The author is the only one who can edit their contribution
- Buttons to upvote and downvote a response
- Numbers corresponding to total upvotes vs downvotes
- Response is marked as a solution
- Each question has its responses, and each response has its comments
- Users can Register/Login and Logout
- Users can ask Questions
- Users can respond to Questions and can comment on responses
- Users can upvote or downvote responses and questions