XJoin (Cross Join) Operator

Openshift operator that manages the XJoin pipeline. It currently manages the M2 version of XJoin, i.e. it maintains the replication pipeline between HBI and ElasticSearch. Modifications will be necessary to support M3 (joining data between applications).

A XJoin pipeline is defined by the XJoinPipeline custom resource. It indexes the hosts table of the HBI database into an ElasticSearch index. A Debezium Kafka Connector is used to read from the HBI database's replication slot. An ElasticSearch connector is used to index the hosts. Kafka Connect transformations are performed on the ElasticSearch connector to prepare the host records to be indexed. An ElasticSearch pipeline is used to transform the JSON fields on a host prior to being indexed.


The operator is responsible for:

  • management of an ElasticSearch index, alias, and pipeline
  • management of Debezium (source) and ElasticSearch (sink) connectors in a Kafka Connect cluster (using Strimzi)
  • management of a Kafka Topic in a Kafka cluster (using Strimzi)
  • management of the HBI replication slot. The Debezium connector should manage this. The operator ensures there are no orphaned replication slots.
  • periodic validation of the indexed data
  • automated recovery (e.g. when the data becomes out-of sync)


The operator defines two controllers that reconcile a XJoinPipeline

  • PipelineController which manages all the resources (connectors, elasticsearch resources, topic, replication slots) and handles recovery
  • ValidationController which periodically compares the data in the ElasticSearch index with what is stored in HBI to determine whether the pipeline is valid


Setting up the development environment using Clowder

  1. Set up a local Kubernetes environment. Known to work with the following:

  2. Configure Kubernetes to use at least 16G of memory and 6 cpus. This is known to work although you can try with less.

    ./crc config set memory 16384
    ./crc config set cpus 6
    minikube config set cpus 6
    minikube config set memory 16384
  3. Start Kubernetes

    ./crc start
    minikube start
  4. If using CRC

    • When prompted for a pull secret paste it (you obtained pull secret on step 1 when downloading CRC)
    • Log in to the cluster as kubeadmin (oc login -u kubeadmin -p ...) You'll find the exact command to use in the CRC startup log
  5. Login to https://quay.io and https://registry.redhat.io

    • docker login -u=<quay-username> -p="password" quay.io
    • docker login https://registry.redhat.io
  6. Append the following line into /etc/hosts inventory-db xjoin-elasticsearch-es-default.test.svc connect-connect-api.test.svc xjoin-elasticsearch-es-http
  7. ./dev/setup-clowder.sh

Reset the development environment

The Openshift environment can be deleted with this script:


Afterwards, the environment can be setup again without restarting Kubernetes via dev/setup.sh.

Running the operator locally

With the cluster set up it is now possible to install manifests and run the operator locally.

  1. Install CRDs

    make install
  2. Run the operator

    make run ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false
  3. Finally, create a new pipeline

    kubectl apply -f ../config/samples/xjoin_v1alpha1_xjoinpipeline.yaml

There is also make delve to debug the operator. After starting the Delve server process, connect to it with a Delve debugger.

Running the operator locally via OLM

This is useful when testing deployment related changes. It's a little cumbersome for everyday development because an image needs to be built by app-interface and pushed to the cluster for each change.

  • To deploy the operator via locally OLM run
  • To uninstall the OLM deployed operator run

Running the operator locally via OLM using operator-sdk run bundle

This is more convenient than using the app-interface build because the build is done locally then pushed to quay.io. More info

docker login -u=$QUAY_USERNAME -p $QUAY_PASSWORD

./dev/uninstall.operator.with.operator.sdk.sh to uninstall.

Running tests

  • The tests require an initialized Kubernetes environment. See Setting up the development environment.
  • They can be executed via make test.
  • There is also make delve-test to run the tests in debug mode. Then delve can be used to connect to the test run.
  • The tests take a while to run. To whitelist one or a few tests, prepend It with an F. e.g. change It("Creates a connector... to FIt("Creates a connector...) {
  • Sometimes when the test execution fails unexpectedly it will leave orphaned projects in kubernetes. Use dev/cleanup.projects.sh to remove them.