
PicoDriveDS - Nintendo DS port of PicoDrive

Primary LanguageAssembly

PicoDriveDS - A Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Emulator for the Nintendo DS
Authors: FinalBurn, notaz, reesy, ported by Ryan FB
E-Mail: ryanfb@gmail.com
Homepage: http://cryptosystem.org/ and http://picodriveds.bountysource.com/

Copy picodriveds.nds or picodriveds.ds.gba to your flash cart (SuperCard
users may need to use picodriveds.ds.gba renamed to picodriveds.sc.nds), and
run as usual. If you are using a FAT-based cart, copy over the ROMs you wish
to run with a .bin, .gen, or .smd extension.

For FAT-based cartridges, PicoDriveDS uses libfat with DLDI support. This
means if your cart is not supported by libfat (for example, you get a
"FAT init failed" message), you must patch the PicoDriveDS .nds or .ds.gba
with the appropriate DLDI driver. Drivers and instructions are available at:
Please contact your flash cart manufacturer if FAT is not supported for your
device. As PicoDriveDS no longer uses its own FAT libraries, and cannot keep
up with every single flash cart released, the author has no interest in
troubleshooting or debugging issues unique to a particular cart.

For traditional Slot-2 GBA flash cartridges, PicoDriveDS supports loading an
appended ROM from GBA ROM space. In this mode, Genesis SRAM will be saved to
GBA SRAM, overwriting anything already there. Save states are not currently
supported for this mode. To append a ROM named romname.ext to the
PicoDriveDS executable, use the appropriate command for your platform:
	cat picodriveds.ext romname.ext > picodriveds-withrom.ext
	copy /b picodriveds.ext+romname.ext picodriveds-withrom.ext

Currently, ROMs larger than 3MB can only be loaded if you have a SuperCard SD
or CF, or place an Opera RAM expansion cart in Slot-2.

File selection:
Up/Down: Previous/Next file
L: Scroll 5 files up
R: Scroll 5 files down
B: Go up one directory
A: Open file/directory
Select: Resume emulation

D-pad: Genesis D-pad
Y: Genesis A button
B: Genesis B button
A: Genesis C button
Start: Genesis Start button
Select: Pause emulation and go to file selection menu
X: Pause emulation and show save state menu (press B to exit save state menu)
L: Switch scaling mode between fill, aspect, and 1:1 scaling
R: In 1:1 scaling, hold down R and use the D-pad to scroll the display

PicoDriveDS retains the license it has inherited from the original PicoDrive

Free for non-commercial use.
For commercial use, separate licencing terms must be obtained.

Please contact the original PicoDrive authors first if you wish to obtain
commercial licensing terms, as the large majority of copyright is held by