
A red black tree example created as a class project

Primary LanguageC


This is a small C program that will read integers from a text input file and create a red-black tree. It will then output the contents of the tree and the color of each node to an output file. It was created as a project for CS3050.


prog_assign_2.c - Main program file

rb_tree.c/rb_tree.h - Contains functions for red-black tree operations

rb_file_io.c/rb_file_io.h - Contains functions for building and outputting red-black trees

input_generator.c - A separate program that can generate various sizes of input files for testing purposes


Both the main program and the input generator can be compiled using 'make'. 'make clean' can be used to remove all object files and executables, leaving only source code.

Main Program

$ ./HW2 <input_file> <output_file>

Note: Input file should be a newline separated list of integers

Input Generator

$ ./input_gen <size_flag> <optional: bad_input_flag>

Size flag options: -s (25 integers), -m (1000 integers), -l (10000000 integers)

Note: Adding the bad input flag, -b, will generate invalid input for testing