
Bazel rules to build apps for Apple platforms.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Apple Rules for Bazel

⚠️ NOTE: At the time of this writing, the most recent Bazel release is 0.4.5. These rules are not compatible with that release; they are only compatible with Bazel at master. Until the next release of Bazel, you will need to build Bazel from source if you wish to use them.

This repository contains rules for Bazel that can be used to bundle applications for Apple platforms. They replace the bundling rules defined in Bazel itself (such as ios_application, ios_extension, and apple_watch2_extension).

These rules handle the linking and bundling of applications and extensions (that is, the formation of an .app with an executable and resources, archived in an .ipa). Compilation is still performed by the existing objc_library rule in Bazel; to link those dependencies, these bundling rules use Bazel's apple_binary rule under the hood.


Other types


Add the following to your WORKSPACE file to add the external repositories, replacing the version number in the tag attribute with the version of the rules you wish to depend on:

    name = "build_bazel_rules_apple",
    remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_apple.git",
    tag = "0.0.1",


Minimal example:

load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:ios.bzl", "ios_application")

    name = "Lib",
    srcs = glob([
    resources = [

# Links code from "deps" into an executable, collects and compiles resources
# from "deps" and places them with the executable in an .app bundle, and then
# outputs an .ipa with the bundle in its Payload directory.
    name = "App",
    bundle_id = "com.example.app",
    families = ["iphone", "ipad"],
    infoplists = [":Info.plist"],
    deps = [":Lib"],

See the examples directory for sample applications.

Migrating from the built-in rules

Even though the rules in this repository have the same names as their built-in counterparts, they cannot be intermixed; for example, an ios_application from this repository cannot have an extension that is a built-in ios_extension or vice versa.

The wiki for this repository contains a migration guide describing in detail the differences between the old and new rules and how to update your build targets.

Coming soon

  • macOS support
  • Support for compiling texture atlases
  • Improved rules for creating resource bundles


ios_application(name, app_icons, bundle_id, entitlements, extensions, families,
frameworks, infoplists, ipa_post_processor, launch_images, launch_storyboard,
linkopts, product_type, provisioning_profile, settings_bundle, strings, deps)

Builds and bundles an iOS application.

The named target produced by this macro is an IPA file. This macro also creates a target named {name}.apple_binary that represents the linked executable inside the application bundle.


Name, required

A unique name for the target.


List of labels; optional

Files that comprise the app icons for the application. Each file must have a containing directory named *.xcassets/*.appiconset and there may be only one such .appiconset directory in the list.


String; required

The bundle ID (reverse-DNS path followed by app name) of the application.


Label; optional

The entitlements file required for device builds of the application. If absent, the default entitlements from the provisioning profile will be used.

The following variables are substituted in the entitlements file: $(CFBundleIdentifier) with the bundle ID of the application and $(AppIdentifierPrefix) with the value of the ApplicationIdentifierPrefix key from the target's provisioning profile.


List of labels; optional

A list of extensions (see ios_extension) to include in the final application bundle.


List of strings; required

A list of device families supported by this application. Valid values are iphone and ipad; at least one must be specified.


List of labels; optional

A list of framework targets (see ios_framework) that this application depends on.


List of labels; required

A list of .plist files that will be merged to form the Info.plist that represents the application. At least one file must be specified.


Label; optional

A tool that edits this target's IPA output after it is assembled but before it is signed. The tool is invoked with a single command-line argument that denotes the path to a directory containing the unzipped contents of the IPA (that is, the Payload directory will be present in this directory).

Any changes made by the tool must be made in this directory, and the tool's execution must be hermetic given these inputs to ensure that the result can be safely cached.


List of labels; optional

Files that comprise the launch images for the application. Each file must have a containing directory named*.xcassets/*.launchimage and there may be only one such .launchimage directory in the list.

It is recommended that you use a launch_storyboard instead if you are targeting only iOS 8 and later.


Label; optional

The .storyboard or .xib file that should be used as the launch screen for the application. The provided file will be compiled into the appropriate format (.storyboardc or .nib) and placed in the root of the final bundle. The generated file will also be registered in the bundle's Info.plist under the key UILaunchStoryboardName.


List of strings; optional

A list of strings representing extra flags that the underlying apple_binary target created by this rule should pass to the linker.


String; optional

An optional string denoting a special type of application, such as a Messages Application in iOS 10 and higher. See apple_product_type.


Label; optional

The provisioning profile (.mobileprovision file) to use when bundling the application. This value is optional (and unused) for simulator builds but required for device builds.


List of labels; optional

An objc_bundle target that contains the files that make up the application's settings bundle. These files will be copied into the root of the final application bundle in a directory named Settings.bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of .strings files, often localizable. These files are converted to binary plists (if they are not already) and placed in the root of the final application bundle, unless a file's immediate containing directory is named *.lproj, in which case it will be placed under a directory with the same name in the bundle.


Label; optional

A watchos_application target that represents an Apple Watch application that should be embedded in the application.


List of labels; optional

A list of dependencies targets that are passed into the apple_binary rule to be linked. Any resources, such as asset catalogs, that are referenced by those targets will also be transitively included in the final application.


ios_extension(name, app_icons, bundle_id, entitlements, families, frameworks,
infoplists, ipa_post_processor, linkopts, product_type, provisioning_profile,
strings, deps)

Builds and bundles an iOS application extension.

The named target produced by this macro is a ZIP file. This macro also creates a target named {name}.apple_binary that represents the linked binary executable inside the extension bundle.


Name, required

A unique name for the target.


List of labels; optional

Files that comprise the app icons for the extension. Each file must have a containing directory named*.xcassets/*.appiconset and there may be only one such .appiconset directory in the list.


String; required

The bundle ID (reverse-DNS path followed by app name) of the extension.


Label; optional

The entitlements file required for device builds of the extension. If absent, the default entitlements from the provisioning profile will be used.

The following variables are substituted in the entitlements file: $(CFBundleIdentifier) with the bundle ID of the extension and $(AppIdentifierPrefix) with the value of the ApplicationIdentifierPrefix key from the target's provisioning profile.


List of strings; required

A list of device families supported by this extension. Valid values are iphone and ipad; at least one must be specified.


List of labels; optional

A list of framework targets (see ios_framework) that this extension depends on.


List of labels; required

A list of .plist files that will be merged to form the Info.plist that represents the extension. At least one file must be specified.


Label; optional

A tool that edits this target's archive after it is assembled but before it is signed. The tool is invoked with a single command-line argument that denotes the path to a directory containing the unzipped contents of the archive; the *.appex bundle for the extension will be the directory's only contents.

Any changes made by the tool must be made in this directory, and the tool's execution must be hermetic given these inputs to ensure that the result can be safely cached.


List of strings; optional

A list of strings representing extra flags that the underlying apple_binary target created by this rule should pass to the linker.


String; optional

An optional string denoting a special type of extension, such as a Messages Extension in iOS 10 and higher. See apple_product_type.


Label; optional

The provisioning profile (.mobileprovision file) to use when bundling the extension. This value is optional (and unused) for simulator builds but required for device builds.


List of labels; optional

A list of .strings files, often localizable. These files are converted to binary plists (if they are not already) and placed in the root of the final extension bundle, unless a file's immediate containing directory is named *.lproj, in which case it will be placed under a directory with the same name in the bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of dependencies targets that are passed into the apple_binary rule to be linked. Any resources, such as asset catalogs, that are referenced by those targets will also be transitively included in the final extension.


ios_framework(name, bundle_id, families, infoplists, ipa_post_processor,
linkopts, strings, deps)

Builds and bundles an iOS dynamic framework.

The named target produced by this macro is a ZIP file. This macro also creates a target named {name}.apple_binary that represents the linked dynamic library inside the framework bundle.


Name, required

A unique name for the target.


String; required

The bundle ID (reverse-DNS path followed by app name) of the framework.


List of strings; required

A list of device families supported by this framework. Valid values are iphone and ipad; at least one must be specified.


List of labels; required

A list of .plist files that will be merged to form the Info.plist that represents the framework. At least one file must be specified.


Label; optional

A tool that edits this target's archive after it is assembled but before it is signed. The tool is invoked with a single command-line argument that denotes the path to a directory containing the unzipped contents of the archive; the *.framework bundle for the extension will be the directory's only contents.

Any changes made by the tool must be made in this directory, and the tool's execution must be hermetic given these inputs to ensure that the result can be safely cached.


List of strings; optional

A list of strings representing extra flags that the underlying apple_binary target created by this rule should pass to the linker.


List of labels; optional

A list of .strings files, often localizable. These files are converted to binary plists (if they are not already) and placed in the root of the final extension bundle, unless a file's immediate containing directory is named *.lproj, in which case it will be placed under a directory with the same name in the bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of dependencies targets that are passed into the apple_binary rule to be linked. Any resources, such as asset catalogs, that are referenced by those targets will also be transitively included in the final framework.


tvos_application(name, app_icons, bundle_id, entitlements, extensions,
infoplists, ipa_post_processor, launch_images, launch_storyboard, linkopts,
provisioning_profile, settings_bundle, strings, deps)

Builds and bundles a tvOS application.

The named target produced by this macro is an IPA file. This macro also creates a target named {name}.apple_binary that represents the linked executable inside the application bundle.


Name, required

A unique name for the target.


List of labels; optional

Files that comprise the app icons for the application. Each file must have a containing directory named*.xcassets/*.appiconset and there may be only one such .appiconset directory in the list.


String; required

The bundle ID (reverse-DNS path followed by app name) of the application.


Label; optional

The entitlements file required for device builds of the application. If absent, the default entitlements from the provisioning profile will be used.

The following variables are substituted in the entitlements file: $(CFBundleIdentifier) with the bundle ID of the application and $(AppIdentifierPrefix) with the value of the ApplicationIdentifierPrefix key from the target's provisioning profile.


List of labels; optional

A list of extensions (see tvos_extension) to include in the final application bundle.


List of labels; required

A list of .plist files that will be merged to form the Info.plist that represents the application. At least one file must be specified.


Label; optional

A tool that edits this target's IPA output after it is assembled but before it is signed. The tool is invoked with a single command-line argument that denotes the path to a directory containing the unzipped contents of the IPA (that is, the Payload directory will be present in this directory).

Any changes made by the tool must be made in this directory, and the tool's execution must be hermetic given these inputs to ensure that the result can be safely cached.


List of labels; optional

Files that comprise the launch images for the application. Each file must have a containing directory named*.xcassets/*.launchimage and there may be only one such .launchimage directory in the list.

It is recommended that you use a launch_storyboard instead if you are targeting only iOS 8 and later.


Label; optional

The .storyboard or .xib file that should be used as the launch screen for the application. The provided file will be compiled into the appropriate format (.storyboardc or .nib) and placed in the root of the final bundle. The generated file will also be registered in the bundle's Info.plist under the key UILaunchStoryboardName.


List of strings; optional

A list of strings representing extra flags that the underlying apple_binary target created by this rule should pass to the linker.


Label; optional

The provisioning profile (.mobileprovision file) to use when bundling the application. This value is optional (and unused) for simulator builds but required for device builds.


List of labels; optional

An objc_bundle target that contains the files that make up the application's settings bundle. These files will be copied into the root of the final application bundle in a directory named Settings.bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of .strings files, often localizable. These files are converted to binary plists (if they are not already) and placed in the root of the final application bundle, unless a file's immediate containing directory is named *.lproj, in which case it will be placed under a directory with the same name in the bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of dependencies targets that are passed into the apple_binary rule to be linked. Any resources, such as asset catalogs, that are referenced by those targets will also be transitively included in the final application.


tvos_extension(name, bundle_id, entitlements, infoplists, ipa_post_processor,
linkopts, strings, deps)

Builds and bundles a tvOS extension.

The named target produced by this macro is a ZIP file. This macro also creates a target named {name}.apple_binary that represents the linked binary executable inside the extension bundle.


Name, required

A unique name for the target.


String; required

The bundle ID (reverse-DNS path followed by app name) of the extension.


Label; optional

The entitlements file required for device builds of the extension. If absent, the default entitlements from the provisioning profile will be used.

The following variables are substituted in the entitlements file: $(CFBundleIdentifier) with the bundle ID of the extension and $(AppIdentifierPrefix) with the value of the ApplicationIdentifierPrefix key from the target's provisioning profile.


List of labels; required

A list of .plist files that will be merged to form the Info.plist that represents the extension. At least one file must be specified.


Label; optional

A tool that edits this target's archive after it is assembled but before it is signed. The tool is invoked with a single command-line argument that denotes the path to a directory containing the unzipped contents of the archive; the *.appex bundle for the extension will be the directory's only contents.

Any changes made by the tool must be made in this directory, and the tool's execution must be hermetic given these inputs to ensure that the result can be safely cached.


List of strings; optional

A list of strings representing extra flags that the underlying apple_binary target created by this rule should pass to the linker.


Label; optional

The provisioning profile (.mobileprovision file) to use when bundling the extension. This value is optional (and unused) for simulator builds but required for device builds.


List of labels; optional

A list of .strings files, often localizable. These files are converted to binary plists (if they are not already) and placed in the root of the final extension bundle, unless a file's immediate containing directory is named *.lproj, in which case it will be placed under a directory with the same name in the bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of dependencies targets that are passed into the apple_binary rule to be linked. Any resources, such as asset catalogs, that are referenced by those targets will also be transitively included in the final extension.


watchos_application(name, app_icons, bundle_id, entitlements, extension,
infoplists, ipa_post_processor, provisioning_profile, storyboards, strings,

Builds and bundles a watchOS application.

This rule only supports watchOS 2.0 and higher. Apple no longer supports or accepts submissions of apps written for watchOS 1.x, so these bundling rules do not support that version of the platform.

The named target produced by this macro is a ZIP file. The watch application is not executable or installable by itself; the target must be added to a companion ios_application using the watch_application attribute on that rule.


Name, required

A unique name for the target.


List of labels; optional

Files that comprise the app icons for the application. Each file must have a containing directory named*.xcassets/*.appiconset and there may be only one such .appiconset directory in the list.


String; required

The bundle ID (reverse-DNS path followed by app name) of the application.


Label; optional

The entitlements file required for device builds of the application. If absent, the default entitlements from the provisioning profile will be used.

The following variables are substituted in the entitlements file: $(CFBundleIdentifier) with the bundle ID of the application and $(AppIdentifierPrefix) with the value of the ApplicationIdentifierPrefix key from the target's provisioning profile.


Label; required

The watchos_extension that is bundled with the watch application.


List of labels; required

A list of .plist files that will be merged to form the Info.plist that represents the application. At least one file must be specified.


Label; optional

A tool that edits this target's IPA output after it is assembled but before it is signed. The tool is invoked with a single command-line argument that denotes the path to a directory containing the unzipped contents of the IPA (that is, the Payload directory will be present in this directory).

Any changes made by the tool must be made in this directory, and the tool's execution must be hermetic given these inputs to ensure that the result can be safely cached.


Label; optional

The provisioning profile (.mobileprovision file) to use when bundling the application. This value is optional (and unused) for simulator builds but required for device builds.


List of labels; optional

A list of .storyboard files, often localizable. These files are compiled and placed in the root of the final application bundle, unless a file's immediate containing directory is named *.lproj, in which case it will be placed under a directory with the same name in the bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of .strings files, often localizable. These files are converted to binary plists (if they are not already) and placed in the root of the final application bundle, unless a file's immediate containing directory is named *.lproj, in which case it will be placed under a directory with the same name in the bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of targets whose resources will be included in the final application. Since a watchOS application does not contain any code of its own, any code in the dependent libraries will be ignored.


watchos_extension(name, app_icons, bundle_id, entitlements, infoplists,
ipa_post_processor, linkopts, provisioning_profile, strings, deps)

Builds and bundles a watchOS extension.

This rule only supports watchOS 2.0 and higher. Apple no longer supports or accepts submissions of apps written for watchOS 1.x, so these bundling rules do not support that version of the platform.

The named target produced by this macro is a ZIP file. This macro also creates a target named {name}.apple_binary that represents the linked binary executable inside the extension bundle.


Name, required

A unique name for the target.


List of labels; optional

Files that comprise the app icons for the extension. Each file must have a containing directory named*.xcassets/*.appiconset and there may be only one such .appiconset directory in the list.


String; required

The bundle ID (reverse-DNS path followed by app name) of the extension.


Label; optional

The entitlements file required for device builds of the extension. If absent, the default entitlements from the provisioning profile will be used.

The following variables are substituted in the entitlements file: $(CFBundleIdentifier) with the bundle ID of the extension and $(AppIdentifierPrefix) with the value of the ApplicationIdentifierPrefix key from the target's provisioning profile.


List of labels; required

A list of .plist files that will be merged to form the Info.plist that represents the extension. At least one file must be specified.


Label; optional

A tool that edits this target's archive after it is assembled but before it is signed. The tool is invoked with a single command-line argument that denotes the path to a directory containing the unzipped contents of the archive; the *.appex bundle for the extension will be the directory's only contents.

Any changes made by the tool must be made in this directory, and the tool's execution must be hermetic given these inputs to ensure that the result can be safely cached.


List of strings; optional

A list of strings representing extra flags that the underlying apple_binary target created by this rule should pass to the linker.


Label; optional

The provisioning profile (.mobileprovision file) to use when bundling the extension. This value is optional (and unused) for simulator builds but required for device builds.


List of labels; optional

A list of .strings files, often localizable. These files are converted to binary plists (if they are not already) and placed in the root of the final extension bundle, unless a file's immediate containing directory is named *.lproj, in which case it will be placed under a directory with the same name in the bundle.


List of labels; optional

A list of dependencies targets that are passed into the apple_binary rule to be linked. Any resources, such as asset catalogs, that are referenced by those targets will also be transitively included in the final extension.


swift_library(name, srcs, deps, module_name, defines, copts)

Produces a static library from Swift sources. The output is a pair of .a and .swiftmodule files.


Name, required

A unique name for the target.


List of labels; required

Sources to compile into this library. Only *.swift is allowed.


List of labels; optional

A list of Swift or Objective-C libraries to link together.


String; optional

Sets the Swift module name for this target. By default the module name is the target path with all special symbols replaced by _, e.g. //foo/baz:bar can be imported as foo_baz_bar.


List of strings; optional

Values to be passed with -D flag to the compiler for this target and all swift_library dependents of this target.


List of strings; optional

Additional compiler flags. Passed to the compile actions of this target only.


A struct containing product type identifiers used by special application and extension types.

Some applications and extensions, such as Messages Extensions and Sticker Packs in iOS 10, receive special treatment when building (for example, some product types bundle a stub executable instead of a user-defined binary, and some pass extra arguments to tools like the asset compiler). These behaviors are captured in the product type identifier. The product types currently supported are:

Product types

Applies to ios_application targets built for iOS 10 and above.

A "stub" application used to distribute a standalone Messages Extension or Sticker Pack. This application must include an ios_extension whose product type is messages_extension or messages_sticker_pack_extension (or it can include both).

This product type does not contain a user-provided binary; any code in its deps will be ignored.

This stub application is not displayed on the home screen and its features are only accessible through the Messages user interface. If you are building a Messages Extension or Sticker Pack as part of a larger application that is launchable, do not use this product type; simply add those extensions to the existing application.


Applies to ios_extension targets built for iOS 10 and above.

An extension that integrates custom behavior into the Apple Messages application. Such extensions can present a custom user interface in the keyboard area of the app and interact with users' conversations.


Applies to ios_extension targets built for iOS 10 and above.

An extension that defines custom sticker packs for the Apple Messages app. Stickers are provided by including an asset catalog named *.xcstickers in the extension's asset_catalogs attribute.

This product type does not contain a user-provided binary; any code in its deps will be ignored.

Example usage:

     "apple_product_type", "ios_application", "ios_extension")

    name = "StickerPackApp",
    extensions = [":StickerPackExtension"],
    product_type = apple_product_type.messages_application,
    # other attributes...

    name = "StickerPackExtension",
    product_type = apple_product_type.messages_sticker_pack_extension,
    # other attributes...