Remix Webpack Demo

This is an example of using Webpack to build Remix.

To use this for your own Remix app, check out the migration guide. 👀

How this repo was made:

  1. Create a new project with Create React App
  2. 👉 Implement the React Router v6.4 tutorial
  3. 🚚 Migrate to Remix
  4. Replace standard Remix dev tools with Webpack-based compiler found in ./scripts

The commit history includes 👉 and 🚚 emojis so you can follow along with which commits came from which step.


1 Install

npm install

2 .env

Copy .env.example as .env:


3 Initialize the database

npx prisma db push

If you want some data for development, seed the database:

npx prisma db seed


Webpack configs can be found at:

You can add loaders or plugins there to add support for any features you'd like from Webpack!

For example, you could install postcss-loader and add it to both the browser and server configs to get PostCSS features!