
Sets up a basic Rails development box using vagrant based on Ubuntu with RVM, Ruby 2.1.0, MySQL 5.5.

Primary LanguageRuby

Sets up a basic Rails development box using vagrant based on Ubuntu with RVM, Ruby 2.1.0, MySQL 5.5.

Set up a Rails development box

Enable Forwarding ssh keys

Setting this up is fairly straightforward. On the host machine, you need to add the following to ~/.ssh/config (which you should create if it doesn’t exist):

    ForwardAgent yes

Once you’ve done that, just run ssh-add to ensure you ensure your identities are added to the SSH agent.

$ ssh-add

That’s all it takes. You can make sure it worked by comparing the output of ssh-add -L on both the host machine and the guest box.

$ ssh-add -L


  • Install vagrant using the installation instructions in the Getting Started document
  • Install chef-dk Chef Development Kit
  • Install berkshelf: $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf Berkshelf main web
  • Install vagrant triggers: $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
  • Clone this repository*
  • Remove always the Host-only adapter from Virtualbox -> Preferences -> Network.
  • $ vagrant up

Installed components