Ryan's Portfolio


General Assembly — We teach core skills that make up the entire user experience design process. From research and ideation to prototyping and testing, our user experience design training will help you solve design problems using proven skills and methods.

Provided Content

Technical Requirements

As a user changes the width of a browser window below 768px:

  • Content remains in appropriate divs
  • Content remains visible to the user
  • Fonts change size appropriately
  • Margins and padding change size appropriately
  • Content does not overlap
  • In the blog section, the two-column layout changes to a single-column layout


  • Add different media queries for a 1000px breakpoint and a 480px breakpoint


Evaluation / Submission

Students should start by using the starter code and adding the proper CSS media queries and CSS to update the site to look good on mobile devices. I will provide a numeric grade on a scale:

  • 0 - does not meet expectations
  • 1 - meets expectations
  • 2 - exceeds expectations