
Lightweight application for tracking deployed systems

Primary LanguageRuby

Deploy Monitor

Build Status

Deploy Monitor is a small web application for tracking the deploy process of your systems.

  • Get an overview of active and recent deploys.
  • Track statistics across deploys, like how long it takes to run tests
  • Make sure two people aren't trying to deploy the same thing at the same time.
  • Store arbitrary metadata about your deploys: the deployer's name, the release branch, comments, tickets--anything.

Deploy Monitor has a web UI and an API.


  1. Get the source. git clone https://github.com/ryangreenberg/deploy_monitor.git
  2. Install the dependencies. cd deploy_monitor && bundle install
  3. Configure the database. Edit config.yml and enter the connection details for a MySQL database. Run sequel -m db/migrations mysql://<db_username>:<db_password>@localhost/<db_name> to load the schema.
  4. Start server with rackup or your preferred method of running Rack applications.


Initial Setup

You set up Deploy Monitor by creating systems, which are the things you deploy. Each system consists of a number of steps that are repeated for each deploy. Then you instrument your deploy process to update Deploy Monitor, letting it know how the steps are going.

Creating Systems

This is currently no web UI for creating systems; use the API to create one:

curl -X POST http://<deploy monitor host:port>/api/systems -d name=<name_of_system>

Creating Steps

Each step has a name, which is used to identify the step in deploys, and a more friendly, readable description. Use the API to add steps to a system:

curl -X POST http://<deploy monitor host:port>/api/systems/<name_of_system> -d name=javascript_tests -d "description=Jasmine JavaScript tests"

Steps are assigned numbers in the order they are created. You can edit a step later to change its description or number. See the API docs for examples.

Instrument Your Deploy Process

Add code to your deploy process to do the following

# Tell Deploy Monitor to start the deploy
curl -X POST http://<deploy monitor host:port>/api/systems/<name_of_system>/deploys -d ""

# At the beginning of each of your steps, tell Deploy Monitor that the deploy
# has moved to the next step.
curl -X POST http://<deploy monitor host:port>/api/deploys/<deploy_id>/<step_name> -d ""
curl -X POST http://<deploy monitor host:port>/api/deploys/<deploy_id>/<next_step_name> -d ""
# If something goes wrong, tell Deploy Monitor that the deploy has failed
curl -X POST http://localhost:9292/api/deploys/<deploy_id>/complete -d result=failed

# Otherwise, at the end of the deploy, tell Deploy Monitor that it has
# completed successfully
curl -X POST http://localhost:9292/api/deploys/<deploy_id>/complete -d result=complete


Deploy Monitor has a JSON API. See README_API.md for documentation on the available resources and operations.


Migrate: ./migrate DB console: ./db_console