
The code found in this repository was written during my time at Iowa State University. Throughout the semester, the code has seen a variety of requirement changes, a port to C++, etc. etc. etc.

As such, the code within this repository is compiling and running on a dream, and shouldn't be used as a reference on how to write good code. Put simply, it's here for posterity alone.

Ryan Huellen's Pokemon Game

Welcome to Ryan Huellen's Pokemon Game! This is a rogue-like text-based game written in C, heavily inspired by the Pokemon franchise. Players will embark on an adventure, capturing and battling creatures in a procedurally generated world.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Game Data
  3. Building the Project
  4. Trainers
  5. Controls
  6. Buildings
  7. Battles
  8. Debugging


  • Procedurally generated world with various region types, Pokemon Centers, and Pokemarts.
  • Upon entering a room, your player character '@' is placed on the path
  • 6 types of trainers exist. We have Hikers, Rivals, Pacers, Wanderers, Sentries, and Explorers.
  • Ability to choose how many trainers spawn in.
  • Player movement in all eight directions (north west, north, north east, east, south east, south, south west, west)
  • Battle interface
  • Pokemart interface
  • Pokemon Center interface
  • Trainer interface
  • Traveling between maps
  • Flying between maps
  • Debugging
  • Integration with a sizeable Pokemon database
  • Ability to choose a starter Pokemon (three options are randomly generated from the aforementioned database)
  • Ability to capture wild Pokemon
  • You can fight trainers and wild Pokemon (battles!)
  • Potions (heal Pokemon)
  • Revives (revive Pokemon or heal to full health)
  • Pokeballs (capture wild Pokemon)
  • Inventory system

Game Data

Data is loaded in from one of three locations, relative to the executable, including:

  • /share/cs327/pokedex/pokedex/data/csv/
  • ~/.cs327/
  • ../data/

Important: the various .csv files MUST be directly within these directories. If they aren't found, the program will panic and throw an error.

To continue, we load the following data types:

  • Experience (experience.csv)
  • Moves (moves.csv)
  • Pokemon (pokemon.csv)
  • Pokemon Moves (pokemon_moves.csv)
  • Pokemon Species (pokemon_species.csv)
  • Pokemon Stats (pokemon_stats.csv)
  • Pokemon Types (pokemon_types.csv)
  • Stats (stats.csv)
  • Type Names (type_names.csv)


In order to pick the number of trainers that spawn on the map, you can run the binary with the --numtrainers flag. Here's a sample of choosing 7 trainers:

./main --numtrainers 7

Trainer Interface

In order to open the trainer interface, you can hit t. To close this interface, you can hit escape. The trainer interface will report the nearby Pokemon along with their locations relative to the player. In order to scroll through the Pokemon list, you can use up arrow and down arrow. Please note, opening the trainer interface uses a turn!

Trainer Battles

All trainers are undefeated when they initially spawn. When you move into a trainer's tile or a trainer moves in your tile, a battle is initiated. At this time, the game simply display's the trainer's pokemon. A trainer has a 60% chance of receiving an n+1 pokemon, however all trainers have at least 1 pokemon. You can simply hit escape to exit. After doing so, the respective trainer becomes defeated.

Hikers and Rivals

Hikers and Rivals follow an efficient path to the player based on their respective cost maps. Note that if there is no valid path to the player as that player is blocked by other trainers or immovable terrain, then hikers and rivals will not move. Moreover, if a Hiker or Rival is defeated, they will instead choose to move in a random direction, rather than pathing to the player.


Pacers choose a single direction and move in that direction until they hit an immovable object. Then, they turn around and repeat.


Wanderers move in a random directon and continue that direction until they reach the end of their current terrain type. Then, they pick another direction to stay within the terrain limits.


Explorers move like wanderers, except they can leave the current terrain type.


Sentries don't move at all! Be wary!

Building the Project

  • To build the project, simply run make. This will generate a variety of output files, along with the executable main.
  • To run the project, open a terminal and type ./main.


The game features a variety of controls. Building or interface specific controls can be found in their respective sections as well as in the following list.

  • Q or q to quit.
  • 7 or y to move to the north west.
  • 8 or k to move north.
  • 6 or l to move east.
  • 3 or n to move south east.
  • 2 or j to move south.
  • 1 or b to move south west.
  • 4 or h to move left.
  • > to open a Pokemon Center or Pokemart interface (requires standing on the respective tile).
  • < to close a Pokemon Center or Pokemart interface.
  • 5 or space or . to rest for a turn.
  • t to display a list of trainers.
  • escape to exit any interface.
  • up arrow to navigate in certain interfaces.
  • down arrow to navigate in certain interfaces.
  • f to fly between maps. After enabling fly, you'll be prompted to enter coordinates x and y like so: <x> <y>. When you hit enter, you will land in the desired map.
  • b to open the inventory interface. From here, you can use potions and revives. Moreover, you can see how many potions, revives, and pokeballs you have left!


The game features two buildings, a Pokemon Center (C) and a Pokemart (M). Upon pathing to a respective building, you can open the building's interface with the > key. In order to close the interface, press the < key.

Pokemon Center

Upon entering a Pokemon Center, all of your pokemon are healed to full health!


Upon entering a Pokemart, all of your supplies are replenished. This includes potions, revives, and pokeballs.


Battles are currently not implemented. At this time, should you enter a battle by doing one of the following:

  1. Encountering a wild Pokemon in tall grass (10% chance)
  2. Entering a trainer's tile

You will be presented with a screen that displays the Pokemon you're battling. If you're battling a trainer, new Pokemon will appear as they send them out.

Battle Interface

The battle interface is fairly simple. You can do one of the following:

  1. Fight
  2. Bag
  3. Run
  4. Pokemon


When you select fight, you'll be presented with a list of moves. You can select a move by using number keys. Upon selecting a move, you will perform the move! Note, however, if your move's priority is less than that of the opponent and they also choose to fight, they will attack first.


When you select bag, you'll be presented with the ability to use a potion, revive, or, if you're in a wild battle, a pokeball. You can select an item by using number keys. Upon selecting an item, you will use the item!


When you select run, you'll attempt to run from the battle. You can only run from a wild pokemon battle. You also have a 50% chance of failing to run. Note, this will use your turn!


When you select pokemon, you'll be presented with a list of your pokemon. You can select a pokemon by using number keys. Upon selecting a pokemon, you will switch to that pokemon! Note, however, switching pokemon uses a turn.


This iteration of the project contains a --debug flag. You can run the sudo debugger by using this flag. If the developers left any debugging comments in the code, they will be output to a debug.txt in the same direction as ./main when the flag is enabled. Feel free to enable this feature for some easter eggs.