This is a simple JavaScript wrapper to the PagerDuty API
PDJS = new PDJSobj({
subdomain: "webdemo",
token: "CkNpsqH9i6yTGus8VDzA",
res: "services",
data: {
limit: 20,
success: function (json) {
- Create a PDJSobj, with a subdomain and a token/api key
- Call an api request:
- the res parameter is the URL path of the resource you want
- the data parameter is optional
- Everything is asynchronous so you'll need:
- a function to use on success
- also optional is an error function
The res parameter may have an ID in it, here's the call to get the notes for incident PNCII2E
res: "incidents/PNCII2E/notes",
success: function (json) {
POST and PUT requests are supported as well (although I can't give you any live examples, since the API key from webdemo is read-only, so go ahead and generate an API key from your own account)
For instance, here I'm adding a contact method for a user:, and then adding a notification rule to allert that email address after 900 minutes:
add_contact_method = function(user_id) {
res: "users/"+user_id+"/contact_methods",
type: "POST",
data: {
contact_method: {
label: "Added from PDJS",
success: function (json) {
console.log("New contact method ID: " +
add_notification_rule(user_id,, 900)
add_notification_rule = function(user_id, contact_method, start_delay_in_minutes) {
res: "users/"+user_id+"/notification_rules",
type: "POST",
data: {
notification_rule: {
contact_method_id: contact_method,
start_delay_in_minutes: start_delay_in_minutes,
success: function (json) {
console.log("New notification rule ID: " +
The integration API has its own function as well
service_key: "5eb2b9dae1b2480abf59f58c78ba06e7",
description: "Server on Fire",
incident_key: (new Date()).toString(),
details: {
cause: "PEBKAC"
Again, you can specify a success function that will get JSON representing the incident:
"message":"Event processed",
There's also a helper method that will handle limits and offsets for lists longer than 100 elements:
res: "incidents",
data: {
since: "2013-08-01T09:53:17-07:00",
until: "2013-08-14T09:53:17-07:00",
status: "resolved",
fields: "incident_number,status,created_on,service"
final_success: function(data) {
console.log( + " objects!");
incremental_success: function(data) {
console.log("Got data");
It works the same, except you'll need to specify one or more of:
- a function to run on final_success at the end
- a function to run on each incremental_success
That's kind of nifty.
There's an examples directory:
- examples/incidents.html polls the incidents api and displays the triggered & acknowledged incidents
- examples/report.html shows off api_all by looping through all the events on my webdemo account for the last 30 days and prints them out as a CSV-esque thing that you could paste into a CSV file.
- examples/trigger.html shows how to trigger an incident
This is written in CoffeeScript, so you're going to have to compile it to get JavaScript
coffee --output js/ --compile --watch --join pdjs.js coffee/ &
Are you using this? Let me know:
You might notice that PDJS sends along some extra parameters, even though this is currently a side project of mine, I work for PagerDuty and I want to track QoS across our language-specific libraries.
Coming soon:
- The ability to trigger incidents on Generic API services.
- Error handling and throttling
- More examples
Possibly also of interest is node-pagerduty to trigger PagerDuty incidents from node.js.