
Singleton flutter localization library to load Fluent Translation List (FTL) files. Localized string can be accessed without the present of context

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Why fluent_i18n?

There are times that you want to access localization text without context, For example, in a model class.

This package use singleton to load Fluent Translation List (FTL) files. Localized strings can be accessed without the present of context (of course, it can also be accessed via context as well), it also provides more convenient approach of writing less code and still localizing all the segments of the app.

Getting Started

🔩 Installation

Add to your pubspec.yaml:

  fluent_i18n: <last_version>

Create folder and add translation files like this

└── i18n
    ├── {languageCode}.ftl                  //only language code
    └── {languageCode}_countryCode}.ftl     //or full locale code


└── i18n
    ├── en.ftl
    └── en_US.ftl

Declare your assets localization directory in pubspec.yaml:

    - assets/i18n/

⚠️ Note on iOS

For translation to work on iOS you need to add supported locales to ios/Runner/Info.plist as described here.



⚙️ Configuration app

Add EasyLocalization widget like in example

import 'package:fluent_i18n/fluent_i18n.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';

const List<Locale> SUPPORTED_LOCALES = [
	const Locale('ja'),
	const Locale('en'),	

Locale locale = SUPPORTED_LOCALES.first;

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
	Widget build(BuildContext context) {
		return MaterialApp(
			theme: ThemeData(
				primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
				visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
			home: MyHomePage(),
			locale:  locale,
			localizationsDelegates: [
			supportedLocales: SUPPORTED_LOCALES,

Full example


🔥 Change locale setLocale()

You can change the locale by calling

await FluentLocalizations.setLocale(locale);

This will change the current locale and load the corresponding ftl file.

Alternatively, you can call (this is what setLocale() does):

await FluentLocalizations.ofLocale(locale).load();

🔥 Translate getMessage()

Main function for translate your language keys

final i18n = FluentLocalizations.current();

Or if you maintain the locale yourself, you can use

final i18n = FluentLocalizations.ofLocale(currentLocale);
// Load somewhere
await i18n.load();

ℹ️ No breaking changes, you can use old the static method FluentLocalizations.of(context)