
Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

RHEL CRC example

Installing prerequisites

  1. Install packer
  2. Install Google Cloud SDK

Authenticate with Google Cloud

Packer uses the Application Default Credentials to connect with Google Cloud.

Run this command to create the credentials and login with the correct account.

gcloud auth application-default login

Build and publish Compute Engine image

Replace [your-project] in the next snippet with the ID of the project we created for you (or your own project).

export PROJECT=[your-project]

Building the base image

To build the base image, run this snippet.

packer build -var project_id=$PROJECT base.pkr.hcl

Building the CRC image

You'll first need to get the image pull secret (download from https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/create/local), and put into the assets directory as pull-secret.txt.

Once you have the pull-secret.txt, run this command to build the image:

packer build -var project_id=$PROJECT machine.pkr.hcl


To check if the image is ready, run:

gcloud compute images list --project $PROJECT --no-standard-images
