
UltraCart REST API PHP Client

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is the next generation UltraCart REST API...

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit http://www.ultracart.com


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": "https://github.com/UltraCart/rest_api_v2_sdk_php.git"
  "require": {
    "UltraCart/rest_api_v2_sdk_php": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

<?php /* docs.ultracart.com sample */ ?>

// for testing and development only
ini_set('max_execution_time', 3000);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// initialization code
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
$simple_key = '4256aaf6dfedfa01582fe9a961ab0100216d737b874a4801582fe9a961ab0100';
ultracart\v2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('x-ultracart-simple-key', $simple_key);

$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(['verify' => true, 'debug' => false]);
$config = ultracart\v2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration();
$headerSelector = new \ultracart\v2\HeaderSelector(/* leave null for version tied to this sdk version */);

$auto_order_api = new ultracart\v2\Api\AutoorderApi($client, $config, $headerSelector);


try {
    $auto_order_oid = 2078718;  // this is found either by looping through auto orders, or from the back end.
    $auto_order_response = $auto_order_api->getAutoOrder($auto_order_oid, "items");
    $auto_order = $auto_order_response->getAutoOrder();
    $auto_order_response = $auto_order_api->updateAutoOrder($auto_order, $auto_order_oid);

} catch (\ultracart\v2\ApiException $e) {

<?php echo print_r($auto_order); ?>
<?php echo print_r($auto_order_response); ?>
<?php echo 'Finished.'; ?>

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://secure.ultracart.com/rest/v2

Class Method HTTP request Description
AffiliateApi getClicksByQuery POST /affiliate/clicks/query Retrieve clicks
AffiliateApi getLedgersByQuery POST /affiliate/ledgers/query Retrieve ledger entries
AutoOrderApi getAutoOrder GET /auto_order/auto_orders/{auto_order_oid} Retrieve an auto order
AutoOrderApi getAutoOrderByCode GET /auto_order/auto_orders/code/{auto_order_code} Retrieve an auto order
AutoOrderApi getAutoOrderByReferenceOrderId GET /auto_order/auto_orders/reference_order_id/{reference_order_id} Retrieve an auto order
AutoOrderApi getAutoOrders GET /auto_order/auto_orders Retrieve auto orders
AutoOrderApi updateAutoOrder PUT /auto_order/auto_orders/{auto_order_oid} Update an auto order
ChargebackApi deleteChargeback DELETE /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} Delete a chargeback
ChargebackApi getChargebackDispute GET /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} Retrieve a chargeback
ChargebackApi getChargebackDisputes GET /chargeback/chargebacks Retrieve chargebacks
ChargebackApi insertChargeback POST /chargeback/chargebacks Insert a chargeback
ChargebackApi updateChargeback PUT /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} Update a chargeback
CheckoutApi cityState POST /checkout/city_state City/State for Zip
CheckoutApi finalizeOrder POST /checkout/cart/finalizeOrder Finalize Order
CheckoutApi getCart GET /checkout/cart Get cart
CheckoutApi getCartByCartId GET /checkout/cart/{cart_id} Get cart (by cart id)
CheckoutApi getCartByReturnCode GET /checkout/return/{return_code} Get cart (by return code)
CheckoutApi handoffCart POST /checkout/cart/handoff Handoff cart
CheckoutApi login POST /checkout/cart/profile/login Profile login
CheckoutApi logout POST /checkout/cart/profile/logout Profile logout
CheckoutApi register POST /checkout/cart/profile/register Profile registration
CheckoutApi relatedItemsForCart POST /checkout/related_items Related items
CheckoutApi relatedItemsForItem POST /checkout/relatedItems/{item_id} Related items (specific item)
CheckoutApi setupBrowserKey PUT /checkout/browser_key Setup Browser Application
CheckoutApi updateCart PUT /checkout/cart Update cart
CheckoutApi validateCart POST /checkout/cart/validate Validate
CouponApi deleteCoupon DELETE /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid} Delete a coupon
CouponApi generateCouponCodes POST /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid}/generate_codes Generates one time codes for a coupon
CouponApi generateOneTimeCodesByMerchantCode POST /coupon/coupons/merchant_code/{merchant_code}/generate_codes Generates one time codes by merchant code
CouponApi getCoupon GET /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid} Retrieve a coupon
CouponApi getCouponByMerchantCode GET /coupon/coupons/merchant_code/{merchant_code} Retrieve a coupon by merchant code
CouponApi getCoupons GET /coupon/coupons Retrieve coupons
CouponApi getCouponsByQuery GET /coupon/coupons/query Retrieve coupons by query
CouponApi getEditorValues GET /coupon/editor_values Retrieve values needed for a coupon editor
CouponApi insertCoupon POST /coupon/coupons Insert a coupon
CouponApi updateCoupon PUT /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid} Update a coupon
CustomerApi deleteCustomer DELETE /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} Delete a customer
CustomerApi getCustomer GET /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} Retrieve a customer
CustomerApi getCustomers GET /customer/customers Retrieve customers
CustomerApi getCustomersByQuery GET /customer/customers/query Retrieve customers by query
CustomerApi getEditorValues GET /customer/editor_values Retrieve values needed for a customer profile editor
CustomerApi insertCustomer POST /customer/customers Insert a customer
CustomerApi updateCustomer PUT /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} Update a customer
FulfillmentApi acknowledgeOrders PUT /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/acknowledgements Acknowledge receipt of orders.
FulfillmentApi getDistributionCenterOrders GET /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/orders Retrieve orders queued up for this distribution center.
FulfillmentApi getDistributionCenters GET /fulfillment/distribution_centers Retrieve distribution centers
FulfillmentApi shipOrders POST /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/shipments Mark orders as shipped
FulfillmentApi updateInventory POST /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/inventory Update inventory
ItemApi deleteItem DELETE /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} Delete an item
ItemApi getItem GET /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} Retrieve an item
ItemApi getItemByMerchantItemId GET /item/items/merchant_item_id/{merchant_item_id} Retrieve an item by item id
ItemApi getItems GET /item/items Retrieve items
ItemApi insertItem POST /item/items Create an item
ItemApi updateItem PUT /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} Update an item
ItemApi updateItems PUT /item/items/batch Update multiple items
ItemApi uploadTemporaryMultimedia POST /item/temp_multimedia Upload an image to the temporary multimedia.
OauthApi oauthAccessToken POST /oauth/token Exchange authorization code for access token.
OauthApi oauthRevoke POST /oauth/revoke Revoke this OAuth application.
OrderApi cancelOrder POST /order/orders/{order_id}/cancel Cancel an order
OrderApi deleteOrder DELETE /order/orders/{order_id} Delete an order
OrderApi format POST /order/orders/{order_id}/format Format order
OrderApi getOrder GET /order/orders/{order_id} Retrieve an order
OrderApi getOrders GET /order/orders Retrieve orders
OrderApi getOrdersByQuery POST /order/orders/query Retrieve orders
OrderApi refundOrder PUT /order/orders/{order_id}/refund Refund an order
OrderApi resendReceipt POST /order/orders/{order_id}/resend_receipt Resend receipt
OrderApi resendShipmentConfirmation POST /order/orders/{order_id}/resend_shipment_confirmation Resend shipment confirmation
OrderApi updateOrder PUT /order/orders/{order_id} Update an order
WebhookApi deleteWebhook DELETE /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid} Delete a webhook
WebhookApi getWebhookLog GET /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/logs/{requestId} Retrieve an individual log
WebhookApi getWebhookLogSummaries GET /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/logs Retrieve the log summaries
WebhookApi getWebhooks GET /webhook/webhooks Retrieve webhooks
WebhookApi insertWebhook POST /webhook/webhooks Add a webhook
WebhookApi resendEvent POST /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/reflow/{eventName} Resend events to the webhook endpoint.
WebhookApi updateWebhook PUT /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid} Update a webhook

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-ultracart-browser-key
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorization URL: https://secure.ultracart.com/rest/v2/oauth/authorize
  • Scopes:
  • affiliate_read: Allows you to read affiliate information.
  • affiliate_write: Allows you to write affiliate information.
  • auto_order_read: Allows you to read auto order information.
  • auto_order_write: Allows you to write auto order information.
  • chargeback_read: Allows you to read chargeback information.
  • chargeback_write: Allows you to write chargeback information.
  • checkout_read: Allows you to read checkout information.
  • checkout_write: Allows you to write checkout information.
  • coupon_read: Allows you to read coupon information.
  • coupon_write: Allows you to write coupon information.
  • customer_read: Allows you to read customer information.
  • customer_write: Allows you to write customer information.
  • fulfillment_read: Allows you to read fulfillment information.
  • fulfillment_write: Allows you to write fulfillment information.
  • order_read: Allows you to read order information.
  • order_write: Allows you to write order information.
  • item_read: Allows you to read item information.
  • item_write: Allows you to write item information.
  • webhook_read: Allows you to read webhook information.
  • webhook_write: Allows you to write webhook information.
  • ultrabooks_read: 1 of 2 required to use UltraBooks
  • ultrabooks_write: 2 of 2 required to use UltraBooks


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-ultracart-simple-key
  • Location: HTTP header

