
This is a PHP script that takes XML order data from UltraCart and posts it to Google Analytics via the Measurement Protocol.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This is a PHP script that takes XML order data from UltraCart and posts it to Google Analytics via the Measurement Protocol.


Before you start, I recommend that you upgrade your server to PHP 5.6 or higher.

Get Started

  1. Enable Ecommerce as well as Enhanced Ecommerce on your Google Analytics property view.
  • These 2 options are just simple ON/OFF switches in your Ecommerce Settings.
  1. Create 2 custom dimensions and take note of the index numbers.
  2. Name = Product Action, Scope = Hit, Active = Checked
  3. Name = Order Type, Scope = Hit, Active = Checked
  4. Create 1 custom metric and take note of the index number.
  5. Name = Original Revenue, Scope = Hit, Formatting Type = Currency (Decimal), Active = Checked
  6. Open xml2ga.php and edit the following constants:
  • UA_PROD = the ID of your live/production GA property
  • UA_TEST = the ID of your test GA property
  • CD_ACTION = the index nubmer of your Product Action custom dimension
  • CD_TYPE = the index nubmer of your Order Type custom dimension
  • CM_REV = the index nubmer of your Original Revenue custom metric

Go Live

Upload your xml2ga.php file to 2 different locations on your server. Use one as the test script and the other as the live script. The live script should have the constants DEV, TEST and DEBUG all set to FALSE.

Here is the documentation for pointing UltraCart to your xml2ga.php files:


Place the URL to your live script into the Transmit to URL when stage changes field, and the URL to your test script into the Transmit to URL when TEST order stage changes field.


When creating custom reports in Google Analytics, remember that you can now filter your orders using Product Action (purchase, refund, remove) and Order Type (digital order, physical order, auto order), as well as see the Original Revenue of a transaction after it has been refunded.


Before using the script, make sure the time zone in your Google Analytics property matches UltraCart's server time zone, which is EST. Also, merchants that get sales 24/7 will notice that daily revenue from Google Analytics and UltraCart sometimes won't match up. This is because, for example, if a customer orders something from UltraCart at 11:57pm, the order may not get recorded into Google Analytics until 12:02am, which it is then the following day.