
Easily create a non-intrusive first-use experience through tooltips to teach users how to use your app without overloading and frustrating them.

Primary LanguageJava


Onboarding is an Open Source Android library that allows developers to easily create a non-intrusive first-use experience to teach users how to use your app without overloading and frustrating them.


*Note: Onboarding uses the gradle build structure and can be easily imported from Maven Central with the following dependency.

Add the following to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.ryanjohn1:onboarding:1.1.0'


There is an example app in the library project showing some simple use cases over 3 different activities.

  • StandardToolTipActivity shows different types of ToolTips and how they appear relative to views.
  • TrackerActivity shows different uses for the OnboardingTracker object, making a ToolTip only appear after a certain number of views and never show again once dismissed. It also shows a sequence of three ToolTips that appear once the previous one is dismissed. Finally, there is an example of a ToolTip set to appear after a delay, only if the button to which it points hasn't been clicked by the user yet.
  • ListActivity shows a simple case of displaying a ToolTip for a view within a list item.

To add a simple ToolTip relative to a View:

  • In your layout xml file, add the ToolTipRelativeLayout (com.appenguin.onboarding.ToolTipRelativeLayout) with height and width of match_parent. Make sure this view is on top!
  • Find the ToolTipRelativeLayout in your code, and start adding ToolTips!



	    android:layout_centerInParent="true" />

		android:layout_height="match_parent" />

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
	ToolTipRelativeLayout toolTipRelativeLayout = (ToolTipRelativeLayout) findViewById(R.id.activity_main_tooltipRelativeLayout);
	ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip()
	                    .withText("A beautiful View")
	myToolTipView = toolTipRelativeLayout.showToolTipForView(toolTip, findViewById(R.id.activity_main_redtv));

Using an OnboardingTracker

To make the ToolTip first appear the second time the activity is shown and then show the subsequent two times, unless the ToolTip is dismissed forever by tapping it, use an OnboardingTracker like so:

    OnboardingTracker tracker = new OnboardingTracker(this, getString(R.string.tracker_first_button))

    final ToolTip toolTip = ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip()
                .withText("Shows on 2nd to 4th views");

    ToolTipView trackerToolTipView = toolTipRelativeLayout.showToolTipWithTracker(toolTip, findViewById(R.id.activity_main_orangetv), tracker);

Creating a ToolTipSequence

A sequence of ToolTips can be created as follows:

    final String sequenceId = "sequence";
    OnboardingTracker sequenceTracker = new OnboardingTracker(this, sequenceId).build();
    toolTipSequence = new ToolTipSequence(sequenceTracker, toolTipRelativeLayout);
    // ...
    // Create simple ToolTipViews as before without Trackers.
    // ...

ToolTip customization

You can customize the ToolTip in several ways:

  • Specify a content text using ToolTip.setText().
  • Set a backround color using ToolTip.setColor().
  • Set the text color using ToolTip.withTextColor().
  • Specify whether to show a shadow or not with ToolTip.setShadow().
  • Specify how to animate the ToolTip: from the view itself or from the top, using ToolTip.setAnimationType().
  • Set your own custom content View using ToolTip.setContentView().
  • Set a delay before the ToolTip is shown with ToolTip.withDelay().

The ToolTip textview can be further customised by creating a tooltip_textview.xml file in your project. This will override the default one and allow you to customise that textview such as uses styles or set maxWidth.

OnboardingTracker customization

You can customize the OnboardingTracker in several ways:

  • A unique id should be used for each tracker which will be used automatically in the shared preferences to track its history.
  • To construct a Tracker build() must be called following the setting of options.
  • Set the number of times the Tracker must be built before it will allow the ToolTip to show using withFirstShow(). It is zero-indexed and defaults to zero.
  • Set the last time the Tracker will allow the ToolTip to show using withLastShow(). It is zero-indexed and defaults to never stop automatically.
  • If the ToolTip is clicked and dismissed it will no longer show unless setDismissedPref(false) is called to reactivate it
  • Alternatively, setDismissedPref(true) can be called to stop the ToolTip appearing at any point in the future.
  • If there are ToolTips which shouldn't start counting up when to show until initial onboarding has completed then set isAfterInitialOnboarding(true).

Developed By

  • Ryan John

Forked from the SuperToolTips project by Niek Haarman. https://github.com/nhaarman/supertooltips


Copyright 2015 Ryan John

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.