
Leveraging Metis to drive the Railway backend, instantly analyzing data to provide safe evacuation routes and Line alert notifications.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


隊伍名稱: 阿對對隊



Data-Driven Parts:

The system detects real-time data changes, such as pedestrian flow, crowd density, and disaster occurrences. After processing this information, it assesses whether a dangerous situation has occurred. If so, it triggers the server to send LINE warning messages to notify users. It also gathers user location information and escape preferences during interaction with users, to provide escape route guidance based on user behavior.


目前大型商場的逃生系統具有: 1.逃生路線不易尋找 2.發生危險時不能確定逃生路線是否安全 3.逃生設施的人流分配不均可能造成效率不高的問題 而我們的系統可以在災害發生時,第一時間處理完所有的數據,並通知使用者有災害發生,透過官方line與使用者互動獲取使用者所在位置以及逃生路線偏好,經由計算逃生路線人群密度、路線是否安全等資訊,提供最適合的逃生路線,也能達到更合理的逃生人流分配。


Innovative Parts:

The current escape systems in large shopping malls have issues:

  1. Escape routes are difficult to find.
  2. It is uncertain whether escape routes are safe during emergencies.
  3. Inefficient distribution of people using escape facilities can lead to low efficiency.

Our system can process all data immediately in the event of a disaster, notify users about the disaster, interact with users through the official LINE to obtain their locations and escape route preferences, calculate crowd density along escape routes, and determine route safety. This enables us to provide the most suitable escape routes and achieve a more rational distribution of the escaping crowds.

We use Metis as the data-driven hub and drive our backend on Railway through Metis via an API, based on user messages stored in PostgreSQL to send LINE messages to users. Upon receiving user messages, we perform decision backtracking to prevent overlapping of pedestrian flows.

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Line bot



npm install


npm run start



docker build -t line-bot-js .


docker run -p 3000:3000 line-bot-js

ngrok deploy

run ngrok.exe

in cmd

ngrok.exe http 3000

Line Developer

in message-api, webhook URL change to
