Github mirror of my original https://code.google.com/archive/p/pyglicko2/. For details about the Glicko-2 rating system see: http://www.glicko.net/glicko/glicko2.html and http://www.glicko.net/glicko/glicko2.pdf
- austinegri
- benjaminmesserCalgary, Alberta, Canada
- CaptainIsaaca@station0x
- ChrisCai03
- damienld
- dannyb2018Seoul
- DavidSHolz
- davidsichinavaCRRC
- DelaunayMontréal
- elyxlzAudiogen
- extesyRoblox
- felixkreukIsrael
- football61
- geometridBerkeley, CA
- GraphicMelonGuangzhou,Guangdong
- harish5p
- http-samcIthaca, NY
- JayTSmithWentzville, Missouri
- jhteles
- kunaljain86
- longapalooza
- Madaonomore
- nmondonLe Figaro
- PipeKnightMoscow
- saihtaungkhamTokyo
- semir4inSouth Korea
- SeondongGIST
- soodoku
- teouueteouue
- toyanunalMiddle East Technical University
- Trepon
- ttl41France
- willfont