How to create new posbias for custom encoder/decoder?
HappyCoderMan opened this issue · 2 comments
I used the skip-thoughts project to create new encoder and decoders for some custom corpus data. I was able to run it through neural-storyteller, and output was generated. (Quality was low, but it did function.)
Does anyone know about how I would create a new "posbias" for my custom data?
I see where it's set in the file:
paths['negbias'] = './caption_style.npy'
paths['posbias'] = './romance_style.npy'
The ReadMe says this description about what the posbias represents:
We set b to be the mean of the skip-thought vectors for romance novel passages that are of length > 100.
That's all I've found so far. Any suggestions on what to try next or where to look would be great. Thank you.
Hi @ErikOmberg, did you figure out how to create new bias? Thanks!
Sorry, no. I have not found any additional information on this topic.