A recurrent neural network for generating little stories about images
- 2
Unable to detect GPU
#13 opened by jss367 - 7
vgg19.pkl link not available
#45 opened by hashiting - 2
How much time did "import generate" take?
#23 opened by hopeai - 0
- 0
Error in unzipping npz files
#46 opened by KhushiGala - 11
BookCorpus dataset gone
#17 opened by koga73 - 13
CPU error
#6 opened by jonathanort - 1
Fine tuning COCO
#42 opened by minxdragon - 2
- 4
Embedding captions...
#38 opened by itsss - 0
Have no access to download VGG19 parameters
#43 opened by zzghost - 7
Unexpected keyword 'preserve_range'
#7 opened by jonathanort - 4
Models adjust in config.py
#34 opened by quintendewilde - 5
- 1
- 1
- 0
How to modify bias to generate longer stories?
#40 opened by GenTxt - 0
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (3600) into shape (2400)
#39 opened by susheelkumar0077 - 3
Killed (also skip-thoughts)
#29 opened by itsss - 2
- 3
No module named theano
#33 opened by quintendewilde - 8
- 0
Generator.py transform.resize error
#36 opened by SundareshPrasanna - 1
#32 opened by Mansijain850 - 1
- 0
- 3
- 0
- 1
generate story error
#27 opened by itsss - 1
UserWarning: downsample module has been moved to the theano.tensor.signal.pool module. "downsample module has been moved to the theano.tensor.signal.pool module.")
#16 opened by Zrufy - 0
No module find generate
#24 opened by quintendewilde - 1
I got a IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/ais/gobi3/u/rkiros/storyteller/romance_dictionary.pkl'
#22 opened by liurongfang - 1
- 0
Gpu Support
#20 opened by Dahandla - 0
Request for trained models
#19 opened by Achilles-96 - 3
Generating biases
#14 opened by ncoronges - 0
- 0
Gallery with more stories in README
#15 opened by vi - 4
inference time for this extremely high?
#11 opened by jtoy - 1
ImportError: cannot import name hough_ellipse & ValueError: numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling??
#10 opened by andyyuan78 - 5
#2 opened by teknogeek - 0
Project License
#4 opened by kznmft - 5
Can neural-storyteller work without a GPU?
#1 opened by ezcn